"different" is not the appropriate word to describe that game. And people werent pissed because it was different. people were pissed with the amount of map recycling, lack of cities and dungeons, pointless sidequests and because your actions did not change the outcome of the ending at all.
Map recycling I'll give you - that was pretty lame; Lack of cities didn't bother me because of how massive Kirkwall was - as for dungeons... pretty sure I went through some; "Pointless" is subjective - I found them worthwhile personally; What, the couple minutes at the end of each game where a narrator tells you what happened after? Oh noes!
I felt the combat system was much better, the classes were balanced much better (*cough* Arcane Warrior *cough*) and warriors and rogues were made much more distinctive, the enemies were more intelligent, the crafting system was much better, and the conversation system was much better. Oh, and your character actually had a voice.
no. the game was not "different". it was a *downgrade* from the first game.
I can say my opinions are fact too, but that doesn't make it true.
It was
But back on topic, ratings are usually given based on a pros and cons system. and when you think of the cons in this game it is hard to come up with something significant enough to lower this games score below a 90. my vote is for 90+. but the game hasnt released yet so anything can happen.
Naivety at its finest.
Then again Fallout 3 came from Bethesda and a lot of people mistake Bethesda for the developer of BRINK.
Could give it a little boost.

True - we should also probably try to convince people Brink is going to be Fallout 3 with better gunplay.