Bethesda has done nothing to deserve such criticism? Wow... Well if your answer is any indication - I'm pretty sure that the forum will be filled with the apologists and svck up's who completely and blindly overlook any flaws in the games, (bad animations, glitches, bugs, poor level design etc) Anybody who criticizes the game will no doubt get flamed by the likes of you.. you're the type that is "well I haven't experienced any bugs, so all of you people must be nuts and haters" I've read so many of those types of responses in these forums. Games need to be criticized, otherwise the devs won't push that envelope on their next game - we'll get cookie-cutter games - look at 'Call of Duty' nothing innovative there. 'Final Fantasy' - stale and dated...
Yes, for a game that we have absolutely No visual details on yet, I do believe it is bogus to criticize a game that isn't even out yet and for which no hard facts exist (except that it uses a new engine). Thats like saying, "Hey Ford, you make great cars, but I know the Volt will svck - even if I don't know anything about it, based on your past cars, it will svck.". I find that argument weak and un-informed. And in my personal view, their past games have been so good Overall that such problems as you mention are really just minor annoyances IMHO.
I would stand right along side with you where voicing feedback and opinions about existing work is concerned, and how they can improve it in the future - but to criticize something that does not yet fully exist is different. Thats why I don't like the Thread, but I have no problems at all with offering feedback and criticism of their current games (and I do so frequently, as constructively as I can). In fact I'm quite certain that I have irritated devs in the past with my criticisms, so I don't fit into the "svck up" category at any level. Do I love the company? Absolutley a fan of Bethesda - but not willing to crucify them over something that doesn't exist and that we have no knowledge of.
