My prediction for what is most likely going to happen.

Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:55 pm

If I had to bet on what is going to happen to ESO at launch it would be this:

It is going to meet less to barely equal its expected sales, mostly due to the subscription model. History has shown, that players do not care about what is offered for the extra money, they will not buy the game if they have to pay monthly. Only WoW has been able to accomplish this. After launch the number of players is going to decrease as months go on and at around 6 months - year period it is going to go free to play. If Swtor has shown anything that going free-to-play is pretty much going to save the game from complete failure. So if you don't want to pay the subscription, history has shown that all you have to do is wait. PS4 not requiring plus to play the game might help a bit, but no were near enough if Microsoft doesn't follow suit. In all I think the game isn't going to be a success on console and that most of the business is going to come from PC. I understand the developers want to have a successful game, but they are going about it the wrong and, more then likely, the subscription model is going to have the opposite effect that they want.

Oh and on top of that, the impressions of the game so far have been pretty negative, which also may hold the game back considerably.

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Batricia Alele
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:17 pm

Yes, yes, we've heard this lots from people who post this stuff with their first post.

You're entitled to your opinion, but 'I want to play this game for free and I don't want to pay a sub' is not ideal grounds to base a 'ESO is going to fail' post on.

As long as Zenimax can maintain a constant stream of content for players at all levels then ESO can be succesful.

And WoW is not the only subscription based game out there. Go do some research.

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Michelle davies
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:28 pm

Unfortunately I feel the same, or at the very least the game will still be buy to play but have no subscription fee attached. Judging by a lot of the fair criticisms I've seen, it seems that many reviewers have the same views that while it's an OK game it might not be enough to justify a subscription fee, nor is the game attractive enough to get people into that payment model. I'm seeing a lot of "the game looks gorgeous", but if that's the only common ground we're finding that tells me a lot about this game.

I have faith in Zenimax Online but not so much the publishers, what with their decisions prior to the game's release when I doubt they've got an accurate idea of their demographic. As much as I want the game, I think it'll take too much time to get the flaws that I've seen and have been spoken of fixed before the game releases. I don't know how much can be accomplished in the two months left (or however long it takes before the game is mass produced and distributed), but I can't imagine it's a lot.

I won't let the F2P model or whatever they choose in the future bother me because that mindset brings the MMO genre down the toilet. If the game's still enjoyable I don't care if they remove the subscription fee or the price tag off the box; as long as it's enjoyable that's all that matters to me.

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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:51 pm

Subscription models allow for constant updates and content.

WoW is successful because it has constant updates and content.

If they manage to maintain even their minimal base amount of subscribers (which they probably will considering the Elder Scrolls popularity and depth) the game will only get better and better.

Subscription MMOs are awesome because I don't need to deal with the F2P crowd.

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Danger Mouse
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:26 pm

I knew Dionne Warwick was still in business. Hey if I'm not satisfied with my psychic reading will I get a full refund?


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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:35 pm

Except you obviously don't do your research, in fact maybe you should read past the first 3 words of my post before saying something. WoW is the only one that could do it successfully. It doesn't matter how much content is pumped out nobody, wants to pay 15 a month for a game that hasn't done much to prove itself.

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jaideep singh
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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:53 am

Well seeing as this will be my first MMO my opinion may be irrelevant for those with more experience but the sub doesn't seem to be an issue for many you do get bang for your buck specially as they stated new content even content they consider to be DLC size is included in the sub and although this may go against me I paid £10 for each cod blops 2 dlc just for the zombie maps so getting dlc armour weapons etc for only a tenor is actually not bad my only issue has been with the cost of the base game it's should be reduced to 25-35 quid
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Chris Jones
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:28 pm

If you pay $15 dollars a month because you don't like dealing with certain people then you probably aren't that great with money. Again, WoW is the only game that accomplished this. But from what I've seen, ESO doesn't have the same hype as Swtor does which is bad if they want to keep the game subscription based. The amount of content makes little difference.

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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:40 pm

The day ESO will turn F2P will be the day i stop playing and never touch this game again in my whole life.

As long ESO can provide content, there must be no fear of people canceling the subscriptions. Also i think, that Zenimax and Bethesda know perfectly fine the risks of a sub model and are perfectly aware of the fact that less players will purchase this game in the first place. With Zenimax we got an experienced team that is actually knowing what they are doing.

The reason why most sub models fail is the missing end-content. Well.. or because the game just svcks.

Lets look at swtor. It was a great game until it came to the endgame. That bored the players, it made no sense to keep paying a monthly fee if there is nothing more to do. There are still i think 500.000 players paying a monthly sub-fee + millions of free to play users.

If 500.000 players are willing to pay for a game without endgame, what do you think a game with a great endgame could achieve. There won't be any sub-counts like in WoWs peak times of 13 million subs though.

So, what we have to hope for is, that this game will provide us with a good endgame and that zenimax holds their promise, to deliver content updates every 4-6 weeks.

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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:30 am

That is such a silly response, WoW had charged since the beginning but what had it done to prove itself? Proving oneself comes with time, which is what this silly cheap generation doesn't understand.


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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:12 am

I've seen so many of these threads i don't even read them no more ..

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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:58 pm

I think the subscription is an issue for the majority of people who wanted to buy the game. I know, from what I've seen in the Beta and gameplay videos. I have seen nothing that is worth $15 a month. And the general consensus that I have seen, is most people are going to avoid the game.

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Amanda savory
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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:24 am

Well Aeno, not everybody has rich parents like you.

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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:24 pm

Wait so you wont play a game because it's F2P? That is the most ass backwards logic I have ever heard. Anyway, yea I think the end game content can make a difference but I don't really see how Zenimax could do what Bioware couldn't. On top of that, the game doesn't look all that impressive from whats been seen so far.

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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:25 pm

LOL you are one sad little man. I have worked for everything I have gotten, my single divorced mother has supported me as much as she can. I am still paying off my college loans for a degree that will not be used. I took myself back to school to get a job as a pharmacy technician and am only now starting to reap the benefits of my hard work. The comment you just gave proved my point little boy, grow up and man up and work for what you want.

I have proven myself, but as I stated it took time, which is what this generation, sadly of which I am apart of, doesn't realize.


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Darlene Delk
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:56 pm

What about if Aeno works for his money? Please grow up and stop cheap wanna-be insults like these.

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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:16 am

You two are obviously oblivious to the hard times that are going on. So obviously you aren't on your own if you make such ignorant immature comments like that.

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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:47 pm

How is this the most ass backwards logic? When is f2p, or going f2p a sign of triumph or that a company has done well? Not a single time is it looked positively on. You seem to be of the mind that paying for something is assbackwards. A subscription to people is like a curse word, but if it is worth it, which only time will tell, then it should be payed for. Again, sadly the games go f2p either due to people not giving it time or the higher ups pushing too quickly to make a quick buck and then ditch what they funded. WoW was pretty damn bad for the first 2 years. Dude seriously stop talking everything doesn't need to be handed to you.


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how solid
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:40 pm

If that was any bit true, then you wouldn't have made such an immature comment. Anyway I'm not here to argue with 12 year olds so you can leave if all you are going to do is flame.

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:02 pm

All you do is prove me right by getting angry and attacking me because you don't like my opinion.

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gary lee
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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:34 pm

boy I am sure this thread will get closed but till it does I'll speak. Again YOU are the one showing yourself to be the fool. i am completely aware of the hard times and are still living it but I will not let the hard times hold me back, keep me down, or even prevent me from earning a place in the world. Earning takes time and effort something which you seem to not understand. I put for the work and pay for what I want and need and reap the benefits of my hard work. Im not ignorant, if you can't afford such a minor cost, then you need to focus ont he things in your life that are more necessary and important at this point, which isn't a game. I have had to focus on the necessities and am now able to enjoy minor freedoms. Hush child.


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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:44 pm

You have been reported for flame baiting. I'm not getting involved with childish arguments and bringing myself down with you.

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Post » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:22 pm

To be fair, what hobby can you participate in $15 a month, especially if it's a gaming hobby? Being in England the sub fee is £8.99, and so far what I've seen is worth every penny. As a PS1 enthusiast, I can get very few games for under £8.99 nor will they have the lasting appeal of an MMO. Even a movie rental and snacks could get you near that amount, and that movie may only last 2 hours, though in fairness with the MMO quality these days you'd probably have a better experience.

Serious question, what would you like to see that would make the game worth $15? ^^

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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:42 am

Lulz all asked was if you gave refunds on your predictions, more a comical note than angry. Then you said that something which will be released in a month basically shouldn't have a sub because it hasn't proven itself, which makes no sense because how can something prove itself unelss given time. I just pointed out your illogical way of thinking is all. The anger came not on your gaming opinion but because you assumed something about me that was wrong. So I have proven your thinking still to be poor and misguided and I think most would agree I already have one guy that was pushing for me. Stop sounding so immature and maybe people will take you seriously.

Umm by the way the Lotto numbers can I have them?


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Noraima Vega
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Post » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:33 am

Again not so much flames more character assassination. pew pew shot your lance off ;p

and at least im funnies :D


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