Unless you strip out many of the elements that have been in all the games - alternate reality with different natural laws, magic and fantastic creatures as commonplace, supernatural beings actively interfering with the world - its not a matter of being influenced by fantasy, it is fantasy.
I'm not sure what people who want it to be more historical are actually asking for.
Do they mean modelled closely on Earth in terms of society and technology/ 1 period or several? Just Western Europe?
In any case I presume they don't mean modelled on actual Earth history. Tamriel already has a history of its own written about in a fair amount of detail in ingame books.
I don't want them stripped, I want them integrated. By historical, I want them to be historical in Tamriel's terms, and they should make sense in Tamriel's terms. Not that there isn't a lot of wiggle room, but I don't want to see a land dreugh in a high mountain pass.
Jeez, okay, let's all stop for a second!
There's no stopping.

It seems nobody knows what fantasy is on the internet, and I've seen people use the term "mythopoeic" wrong constantly down in the Lore Forum (where it has been morphed into a High Art, AKA meaningless pretentious [censored] word), so let's have a crasher right here. get out some drinks and slow down.
Mythopoeia is always Fantasy, but not necessarily vice-versa. It is when you build a metaphysical backstory to the fantasy world, so basically the "why are Dark elves grey and red-eyed?" not just "Dark elves are grey with red eyes." Fantasy is any created world.
Now, when people hear "fantasy" they act like it is an insult, or that it "has to" be Tolkien. No, Tolkien has to be Tolkien, BAD fantasy writers try to copy his general aesthetic and the "elves with trees and bows, dwarves in caves" thing. This has led to the false stereotype that all fantasy is wood elves and scottish dwarves. OKAY fantasy like Dragon Age has his aesthetic but goes into original reasons for it. GOOD fantasy like TES and Briar King has its own aesthetic, set of rules and mythopoeia.
So now speed back up, Shades, TES is as fantasy as it gets, but it's GOOD fantasy because it's original, like fantasy should be. Therefore, the political/historical aspects are High Fantasy aspects, meaning the thread's central question is meaningless.
I'm not saying that TES isn't fantasy, I'm saying don't lean on it like a crutch. Harry Potter (movies, never read the books) do a good job of making the fantasy seem fantastic because they don't treat it like commonplace. It works pretty well, and that's the effect I would rather see. A working, reasonable world with the fantasy elements appropriately inserted. I don't want "fantasy" to be the excuse for some dev to put whatever crap runs through his head on paper, I want it to work in the world. I don't want to see skeleton warriors in places where necromancers wouldn't have put them. I want to see town government buildings, coopers, farmers, and so on. The fantasy thing to do is to give you an armorer, a general store, a magic shop, and call it good for town shops. I'm saying the fantasy in this sense is bad because it often represents a lack of effort, it's just "here's some stuff!" without grounding.