Prefered Mage Enchants...

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:13 am

I finally really got into playing my mage, and rolling in at lvl 31, I'm finally having A LOT of fun. It took me this long to finally get a "Fortify Destruction" item to disenchant, but i've got the four pieces with -23% destruction spell cost, and now nothing stands in my way! I'm nearing 100 in Enchanting and with that Extra Effect. How do you guys Enchant you top end mage gear? Can you use Extra Effect to put say, Fortify Destruction and Fortify Restoration, on the same piece? If you would you make two spell groups free, or one main one (like destruction) and then 25-50% in 1-3 other spell groups?
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:36 am

I carry a couple of sets. lvl 51 atm.

I have: (not complete sets in each case, just the elements that support the enchants)

For use when I want to snipe.

destro/regen magicka
My normal setup

When I really want to use the master level spells (my base magicka pool is less than 700 atm)

don't carry this set, just keep it in my house for late night mad scientist activities.

Also, I have sets for the followers I prefer. Complete sets of stuff for Onmund and Areana with enchants for their preferred skills.
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Steve Bates
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