Except there are pregnant women, as mentioned above.
There's no time passage in Skyrim. Nobody is born, nobody dies (of old age), you can delay quests indefinitely. It's impossible to implement pregnancy without it looking extremely awkward.
Except there are pregnant women, as mentioned above.
There's no time passage in Skyrim. Nobody is born, nobody dies (of old age), you can delay quests indefinitely. It's impossible to implement pregnancy without it looking extremely awkward.
How long does pregnancy last in these mods? What happens after the child is born?
Personally i think if a female warrior were to become pregnant it would be her responsibility to give up the life of adventuring and, for the well-being of herself and her baby, not risk going into battle. Unless her home were to be under attack.
I don't think any amount of padding or wards would reduce the stress she would be putting her body under, which in turn could harm the baby's development.
FUS RO DAmn my waters just broke.
Anyway I can see it now someone will make a pregnancy mod.
still we expect some pregnant evidence. E.g. that smith's wife in dawnstar is pregnant but she is as slender as the slenderman
And no she isnt pregnant for 3months or so. i remember the smith talking about her being about nearly ready etc etc???
Errrr there is just some places some games shouldn't go. IMHO ... this is one of them. Mention or rumors of it referring to an NPC I'm alright with. Beyond that, just no. The marriage thing in Skyrim was off-putting enough IMO. "Hey, I have this amulet. Wanna get hitched?"
Why would the be pregnancy when you can't even get jiggy with it?
There's a mod (several in fact) for that..... unfortunately.
Someone told me that if you sleeping with you're wife 10 times in the same bed, something like pregnant will happen.
and i think that someone need to do such thing, as mod, like :
9 months of ingame waiting, and bingo! Your own child.
Pretty soon he'll grow to be about 10, and you can send him to the lumbermill to chop some wood and make you money.
Then he's 13, fishing at the lake, and making you money.
Then he's 16, killing wolves, and making you money.
Then he's 20, and your own son can be your companion.
if my thread about shield get locked because of that reason, why this thread don't get locked with the same reason?
it's a game, not real life, why bother about pregnancy in games?
Just lock this one
It was either a mod, or you can consider your chain well and truly yanked.