What do you think?
I think it would only ever work without issues if a given storyline takes places over at least a year, preferably several, and that the pregnancy is by two NPCs and not dependent on the player at all. I could see games like Heavy Rain or other such things doing pregnancy and all that goes along with it justice, games like Skyrim and so on? Better left untouched in my opinion, outside of making mention of it via notes or townspeople gossiping, etc.
also the blacksmith's redguard wife in Dawnstar
I guess.. I mean it wouldn't be badass for the dragonborn to do anything while pregnant besides hearthfire stuff lest she just be flat out irresponsible.
What's so great about it? Maybe it's my dormant maternal instinct speaking, but if my character was pregnant, I would stay away from harm's way and spend nine months gardening or something.
She doesn't look pregnant. I've also played this game for 2 in-game years and she still hasn't given birth.
Would be hard to be a strong, independent dragonborn who dont need no man.... or mer
It would be too difficult to program - as highlighted above with the pregnant NPCs who still haven't given birth. Plus imagine if your (female) character were to go into labour in the middle of a dragon fight?? (This is adopting the lack of anything like realistic care for personal safety that underpins a game like this generally, so why start just because your character is pregnant.)
Would you have to smith special pregnancy armour? And resmith it several times as the pregnancy progresses?
The extra programming considerations for a pregnant character or spouse are too huge and not in line with this type of game - I'd play SIMS if I wanted that experience. Adopting is a nice, simple solution.
Could you imagine the outrage... If someone released pics/footage of them killing pregnant women in the vanilla game?
That's why. Same reason children are invincible.
There are no pregnant women in the game because killing a pregnant NPC would be the same as killing children. Which is not a topic up for discussion on this website.
This. Plus Skyrim's time isn't really accounted for anything so it makes no sensense to be pregnant then black screen and suddenly there's a child and not a baby (then you wouldn't look any younger).Implementation would be so weird to do.
Skyrim women have incredibly long gestation periods, I guess.
If you want pregnancy in the game, you have to mod it in yourself. I did. Shahvee is pregnant in my game.