Yes, on PC (what else is there?)
Thanks for the replies. When you change "set timescale" it doesn't mess up animations in any way or weather effects does it?
Changing the time scale can have weird consequences in the game. Not so much in the vanilla game, but with mods. Not sure if or how many quests are scripted to a certain time frame (usually they just want you to be somewhere around a certain game time) but those could be affected.
Also, if you change the time in the console, it may not stick on reloads and for sure would probably not carry over to a different gaming session. Might be best to wait for a full fledged mod.
Me, I want a mod that whenever I fast travel, it deposits me at the time it would normally or at 8 AM the next morning. I am tired of always arriving in the middle of the night to where ever I go.