Some clarity on a yeah or nay on the collectors edition would be good too because if there will be one I want it and therefore I will need to cancel my existing pre-order.
See below quote.
Those of you who are waiting for the CE announcement to pre-order should just order from Gamestop. They will allow you to switch to the CE edition, if you would like, as soon as it's announced.
To those wondering about pre-ordering in any way, see THIS^
I have to preorder before next Thursday from Gamestop to get double reward points, I'll get the burlap map, and if the CE is still unannounced, then I'll simply upgrade to it later.
NOTE: If you don't have a Rewards Card with Gamestop, don't worry about the double points thing. Though I do highly recommend getting one, since they pay you back, you can have money AND points stored on it for purchases, you get special offers and early notices, and if you get the special Pro card, you get a $15 year's subscription to Game Informer. Just saying.....bonuses = better
EDIT: I've learned to love and respect Gamestop over the years. :biggrin: