I am about to pre-order the collector ed. of New Vegas, I live in France, but I want the pack in english/american...
How can I do it? Is it possible to find a way for my shipping is not delayed?
Thanks; HS.
well sadly Beth aren′t miracle workers, if ya want a English version you simply have to order from the appropriate English site, with all the extra shipping cost and wait.
I don't understand why they don't include English in every version .
Dialogue sound files can get rather large, so for games with as much spoken dialogue as New Vegas or Fallout 3, it often isn't practical to include multiple sound files for different languages.
It has already been confirmed that if you are on the PC, you can download the game from Steam in any language you want. You can even change the language later on.
What you can't do is switch between langauges on one install.