So , what are you all doing while skyrim isn't coming out? I've been getting back into the TES lore, with Daggerfall , Morrowind and Oblivion. So, post your plans/thoughts down below and don't forget to vote


I've been playing through Daggerfall and I'm trying to stay away from any 'modern' games with the hopes that if I only play Daggerfall until Skyrim comes out, my senses will be so starved graphically and my standards for diverse interactivity in video games become so low, that I will feel as though I've walked into some strange, futuristic land on November 11
th -- a land where the tech is far more advanced and superior then anything I will have become accustomed to. A simulated time warp, so to speak, or a real-life, self-inflicted hardcoe mode, so that I can truly be blown away by TES V when it arrives. :laugh:
Don't get me wrong though...Daggerfall does some things really well, its just...well you guys should know what I mean.