I am most worried about the lack of character customization. When they announced the removal, I was actually quite happy. Classes are a superficial concept and anybody that does want to play with a class will do so whether the game says they have one or not. I will certainly still be focusing on about 8 or so skills and will be primarily ignoring the rest of them. I don't think it makes any difference whether the game is telling me that I am focusing on them or not.
when I heard about the removal of attributes, I was a bit concerned. I think that the idea that you can decide to change play-styles mid play-through is great, but there should be a penalty for it. While you were playing as class X, you would have been increasing attributes ABC, so when you decide to change to class Y, you will be at a disadvantage for a while because class Y's main attributes, DEF, will be lower. This makes sense because the skills you would be using in class Y will be at a low level when you choose to change mid play-through, so you would be sort of starting from scratch anyway. I thought that attributes were a pretty important part of the game and that removal was not an improvement at all (as Bethesda always claims that whenever they remove something, they do it to improve their game). However, I accepted that I would just have to forget about attributes.
Then I heard that they were also removing birthsigns, I started to get a bit angry. Birthsigns were always a very important part of shaping your character and the removal of them puts far more emphasis on the idea that everybody should just play a jack-of-all-trades character. There seems to be no actual character customization left.
When they showed the star stones (I forgot their name), I got even more angry. They basically cut down the birthsigns to three primary ones and then made them changeable at any time.
These decisions indicate to me that TES is heading in an action oriented path, and moving away from it's heavy role-playing oriented past.
Hate to do this but I'm going to have to resort to quick answers. Concerning attributes, I get what you are saying and to a degree I agree but I will advocate for Bethesda. Let's say class "X" is a heavy melee class. In real life you would focus on two main ideas: physical threshold (health) and energy (stamina). A warrior needs to have the body to withstand constant lifting of heavy weapons as well as taking a beating, plus they need a strong supply of energy to maintain a fight. With attributes, a warrior would need strength and endurance. With the new system, all a warrior needs is health and stamina. They are the same thing, as Bethesda has said. The strength and endurance attributes often coincided with what they altered. Now we choose. Okay, so now your player wants to switch over to a heavy magic dependent class. They will be penalized for it as you want. Again, what are the two main attributes for a mage? They need mana reserves to cast spells and the energy to keep casting, much like energy needed to swing a weapon. That is it. Power does not mean much because power resides with the spells. If you follow Harry Potter, the most powerful wizards are those who have the stamina and magic potential (see:mana) to cast high level spells. The problem is class "X" has just spent a ton of levels working on health and stamina. The magicka bar is low. They won't be able to cast powerful spells (willpower) because their magicka (intelligence) level is low. The attributes are all still there, just hidden. The only one I can't really see any sort of resurrection for is Luck, which I personally don't think should even be an attribute. How does one increase luck? You can't really except maybe through potions.
Birthsigns are still in the game too. When they showed those stones Todd said that those three were some of the basic primary stones and the benefits they give are increasing skill growth within those fields while the other stones seemingly do different thing. Instead of being tethered to one sign we now have the option to pick whichever one we want, whenever we want. How is that not more customization and freedom? When I first played MW, I picked The Lord and didn't realize it came with Trollkin. I regretted that decision and would have loved to change it. Now I can. However, it added depth to my character and forced me to think ahead. Guess what? I am willing to bet you can do the same in Skyrim. Pick a stone that is aligned with a birthsign and keep it forever.