Pathway to Solitude (don't forget to hit the play button):
P.S. It's a free download

Choir Lyrics:
Whimsical Boys:
Flying to Skyrim on the wings of dragons.
Cold Boys:
Winters cold heart, tears us apart.
Think of warm hearth, on this cold path.
Spooked Boys:
Huh! Huh! what!? What!? What was that!? Moving in the shadows black!.
Slipping in silently, they hide.
Huh! Huh! what!? What!? What was that!? Moving in the shadows black!.
Down through the doorway and into the light!
Relieved Boys:
Sun on my back. Wind in the trees.
Down through the meadows where wolf pack feeds.
Manly Mens's:
Evil combatant giberish and shouts.
Tipsy Boys:
Hic! Hic! Drinking at the Mead Hall and this brew is good.
Hic! Hic! Drinking at the Mead Hall and this brew is heady.
Full Triumphal Chorus:
Wayrest to Morrowind. Pathway to glory. Cyrodiil behind us.
Wayrest to Morrowind. My brand new story. Flying to Skyrim on the wings of hope.