Ready to answer all comments and questions,
Ready to answer all comments and questions,
That is... outstanding. How long did it take?
Nice Ops!
Keep up the great videos on youtube! They've really helped me with build ideas for my settlements!
That is quite a thing.
I haven't managed 4x4 yet...
You should have ended the video halfway so people will never figure out how its powered.
Insanely impressive. When reading the title, I thought "it can't be the painting"'s the painting.
What's the name of the song you used for the vid?
The song was one of the free songs provided by youtube, under the cinematic category, called Hero.
Thank you!!
This took, 2 days of live streaming, and then all day today lol, so I would guestimate, around 25-30 hours. :S
How is your PS4 holding up performancewise? I keep pushing my Xbox past build limits in every place I've built, not to the extent you have, but I'm having no issues yet.
Oh nice stuff OP,
I just figured out how to stack the concrete foundations and began a fortress at Abernathy Farms myself.
Also started taking pictures and posting them up with my same profile name at Nexus if your interested OPS.
Just how are you finding enough resources for these big builds. I keep running out of stuff all the time especially wood and steel. Although I guess I haven't played far enough into the game, level 39 but a big portion of those levels is from building up settlements, its addictive.
I'd give you two thumbs but Youtube only allows for one thumb ><
The is the first build that I have had REAL issues. like unplayability. My originaly build was bigger, but every time the billboard even as much as slightly came into crashed. So i had to delete pixels...and then try to look at the billboard and test if it would freeze and crash or was a while of trial and error...had to delete about 200 pixels to get it to load in view without freezing. i figure the pixel limit is 2800 light boxes... lol.. The whole tim ei was deleting pixels..i had to walk backwards and move in slow motion because anytime i so much as looked halfway towards the billboard....freeze and crash lol.
nice! stacking the concrete is fun and allows building some really cool structures! And yes, ofcourse I am interested...ill check em out. (what is nexus)
2800 is pretty impressive. Hope they never remove the work around on size!
@ Ops,
Nexus is a website that has a very large modding community for Bethsada Games perhaps the largest mod author base for Bethsada Games out there at the moment.
If that link didn't work google up Nexusmods,
I'm under the same profile name, but uh a lot of the stuff I made for other games is kinda advlt nature so I didn't want to put a direct link to my profile name on this site cause its 13+ here.
Sorry about that >< haha. You should stream mods for PS4 mod scene you have a good voice for it and seem like a cool person too.
I'm new this this youtube channel stuff. Are the live streams something that is like an invitation only thing or can anyone that subscribes to your channel view your live streams? I've subscribed to your channel and have been checking for live streams but I've only caught one.
This is incredible. I would have loved to watch the live stream of it. It's a lot of fun watching you do these builds. It's like I'm there with you as your doing it. That's not something I have ever encountered in any youtube video or stream rebroadcast.
fyi ... there is a patch coming soon for the PS4. Not sure how it's going to effect the exploits. I disabled auto updates on my system and if I have to I'll shut off my wifi. lol.
thanks man, yeah i try to interact with the viewers as much as i can while streaming! yeah if you are subscribed to me, there is somewhere you can click on the channel, that will make it so it automatically notifies you when i start a live stream. they are public and anyone can view. and if you are should automatically notify you about the live streams...unless u have notifications turned off or something.
I'm extremely impressed. Looks beautiful. . Didn't even know building stuff like that was possible.
thanks. I am hoping it will catch on!! I would absolutely love to see many others do huge pixel arts like this and see what masterpeices or portraits can be recreated!! What makes the pixel art in fallout so much more difficult and impressive than lets say...minecraft... is that each individual pixel (lightbox) requires 1 power, and they all need to be wired together. I guess unless ppl play fallout 4 and know about the building, they wont understand how time consuming a build like this could be. they might just think its as easy as placing colored boxes lol.
I'm gonna laugh when the BoS hits that thing with their blimp on their way out of Boston.
Very nice though.
funny enough, i have never seen a vertibird anywhere near spec island lol
Haha, mean Anyway, very nice OP. Awesome work!