mildly complex
yes I would
When I was playing recently breaking down some ammo for guns I don't use I was wondering to myself:
"What's the point? I'm creating these base materials and I'm never going to use them. Maybe if I had focused my skills on repair, survival, science, etc. and made it a primary goal to seek out new recipes, blue prints, and configurations.... but, wait! I doubt the game actually supports that play style
It'd be pretty cool to play an inventor type character who doesn't win by shooting the best or by talking the best, but by constructing the best gear possible. I mean sure some people might say that the brotherhood, or some other organization would be more likely to make these super weapons and not just some random guy, but what you have to remember is that you are the player... you have super human powers, no normal person can do all the things that the player can do... Why is it that the player's super human powers should be limited to combat? If one character can focus on combat and kill every faction with a dull table knife, then another character focused on creating things should be able to create a machine gun sniper that shoots black holes.
You sir and or madame... win teh Interwebz.
Yes, the inspiration from this mod comes from a similar frustration. If I can break down bullets into their base components, I thought, then why should I not be able to take apart the whole damn gun? And for that matter, if I
could deconstruct and reconstruct my guns... why shouldn't I be able to modify them in ways beyond the scope of the vanilla game's modification system? They made 'crafting' categories for a reason! If not for us to find new uses for the crafting menu, then what?!
My frustration comes in the form of not being able to do textures or meshes, and not being able to script.
Originally, my plan was to just use the crafting system to make all of this possible... but the more I've imagined, the more impractical such a 'simple' method becomes. Eventually, if the player toyed around with all of it long enough, they would start to realize that what I had amounted to a bunch of 'stat-tweaks and modifications' utilizing various pieces of cleverly-renamed scrap metal. In the end, it would ultimately boil down to being limited to doing only those things which 'avoid' the usage of new/retextured meshes... or any kind of scripted event what-so-ever.
In the end, I would -really- love for this mod to incorporate BOTH new meshes and textures
and scripted items and events which behave in certain ways.
What I need right now, in addition to as many fresh ideas as the community can offer me, is someone capable and willing to script... and eventually I'll be looking for someone who might be willing to make and/or lend to me a number of meshes and textures. I really do wish I could do these things myself, but alas... the time it would take for me to learn scripting alone would see the coming and going of the next TWO games in the Fallout series.
Not that that will stop me. I'm going to keep on with this until it finally gets done, whenever that may be...
... but I doubt, if I must go it alone, that anyone will still be interested in it when that time finally comes.