Brought to you by: GammaGulp! Ghoulishly Crisp Beer.
I.) What is Presenting: "The Gunsmith", exactly?
A.) Presenting: "The Gunsmith" is a mod created with the hopes of -completely- retooling the way that you use the repair and crafting functions of Fallout: New Vegas. The objective of Presenting: The Gunsmith is, first and foremost, to make it possible for the player to disassemble a weapon or reassemble a weapon from parts, as well as using those parts for repairs. As the project proceeds, armors and other sorts of custom-made awesomeness may well be added.
I might even make it possible for 'Unique-to-You' custom equipment to be built, once some of the more amazing textures and models begin hitting the New Vegas scene. Bear in mind that I am a novice modder, at best, however, so much of this will be a learning experience in how to produce a release-quality mod.
II.) Wait, So Now Repair and Crafting is Going to be Complicated?
A.) No! Absolutely not! It is not my intention to interfere with the standard method of repair at all... and, in fact, I intend to be -using- the included crafting system to make this mod possible. Already, I have begun creating comprehensive lists of what sorts of bits and bobs I want to be involved in the process of making a gun. For the time being, (until I can find a soul kind-hearted enough to model me some parts) these bits and bobs will be using the 'Spare Parts' mesh and texture. If, by the time I am ready for the first release of my work for testing, please forgive the crudeness of this.
It is, hopefully, a temporary situation.
III.) Will This be Balanced? Can I Abuse This?
A.) Unfortunately, as with most things, there will be small gaps through which a player can exploit this mod for his own gain. It is my intention to keep this mod as balanced as is fairly possible. Repair skill will play a large part in how I 'balance' this, however... and so the higher your repair skill gets... the more imbalanced the game might seem. At the same time, this is designed to reflect your growth from an inept salvage-junkie to a professional grade mechanic/blacksmith/gunsmith/technician whatever-cha-callit.
So... yes. It will be balanced. But it's balanced in such a way as to benefit most a high-end repair skilled player... while being accessible to anyone who can operate a workbench.
IV:) What Makes you Think you can do This?
A.) I've been wanting this for a long, long time... and now... now I've had the tools put right into my lap. Obsidian has pretty much -begged- for the creation of a mod like this. I feel that, even with my limited skills, this would not only be a fun project but a very completable one. Where as I might have taken on some job far outside my own range of abilities... the most difficult aspect of this mod will be making all of the individual pieces required to make the mod feel authentic.
End of Obsessively Chipper Sales-Pitch Q&A:
Right then!
Here it is! The W.I.P. thread for the mod I've been wanting to make since Fallout 3's CRAFT mod came out. Adding the ability to completely construct weapons from scratch, and disassemble old, unwanted, or damaged weapons for their use in repairing other guns... or building new ones.
For any player who invests heavily in the repair skill, this mod will become your best friend. You will find that each of the pieces for a certain firearm will have been added to that given firearm's repair list. In addition, many of the pieces for certain gun types... such as long-barreled rifles... will yield cross-compatible parts. The higher your skill level, the more completely you can dismantle a weapon without losing the smaller bits or rendering pieces useless.
As of this moment, I'm still in the process of creating each of the object id's which will become things like firing pins, screws, lever action mechanisms, spring-action mechanisms, trigger assemblies, and all that other good stuff. Directly below this paragraph, you will find my Request Thread calling for anyone who can make me meshes and textures for some of these pieces.
If I can get these made, and the others which come up as I explore further the inner workings of a weapon (by asking my Gun Nut friend), it would go a long way towards making this mod more enjoyable for the people who decide they'd like to try it.
Right now, each of the pieces will be using the 'Spare Parts' model. As if enough junk in Fallout didn't already do that.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Okay then! That's the whole enchilada... laid out for you, as best I can, at this early point in the development stretch.
The reason that I have chosen to create this thread so early, is because I want to gauge the community response to the idea. If you like it, pipe up! If you don't, feel free to explain to me why. If you're concerned about anything I have proposed doing here perhaps interfering with something else, just chip in and let me know. As much as I am doing this for myself, to prove that I can actually create and release a somewhat-high quality mod...
... it's far more important that I know the people I am releasing it to are going to enjoy it!
Back to work, for me! I'll be keeping an eye here to see how things go.