Coffee said a lot of it already, but...
When you add up things like: alcohol addiction, DUI, date [censored], stupid/harmful things done when drunk, stupid/harmful attitudes towards alchohol by many of the users of it ("take 21 shots on your 21st!"; binge drinking; glorification of being drunk in the first place; etc); the after-effects of being drunk; liver damage..... there's certainly a lot of negative aspects to drinking. Enough that a good % of people would certainly consider it a negative thing in general. Even without religious puritanism.
I'll add a "yeah, that!" to the people saying - if they're trying to pressure you into things you don't want to do, that's heading out of "friend" category. Especially if they keep doing it after you say no the first couple times. Might want to think about getting new ones, depending on how ****** they are about it. (Or, here's a thought - volunteer to be the designated driver/etc. Assuming you like hanging out with these people still.)
The only real idiot drinker/s I can recall interacting with are a couple of dudes I was in a project group with in college - I remember stuff like the one guy moaning about being "shorted" on the Jack in his Jack & Coke (during lunch, on a weekday, while we were meeting in the school union snack bar to talk about our project); and the same guy talking about an upcoming "beer tasting" festival, one of those things where a lot of breweries have a table in a ballroom/gym/whatever and you get to go around trying beers... and he was talking about how they had to "pre-load" on vodka so that they'd get good & drunk on the beer samples. 
Yeah. Brain-dead morons like that are why alcohol has a negative rep.
Personally, I don't drink. I don't like the taste, and the idea of losing self-control is a bad thing. No, I've never hung out at a bar or a dance club, that's not my thing. Luckily, my friends have similar interests - tabletop gaming, video games, sci-fi, etc. Yeah, I've been a nerd/hanging out with nerds since high school in the 80's. Deal with it.
The current guys I get together with on Saturday nights do drink, but not to excess (they're all in their 30s-40s & several are married with kids) and mostly just expensive beer. They sometimes make the polite offer "want to try some?" when they've got something wacky & new, but they're not pressure-y about it at all. No biggie.