Preston Garvey: Breaking the cycle

Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:42 am

So, you're a Minuteman, but you tire of the constant settlement-help quests?

Here is the solution.

1. Send Garv-o to the Castle (if he isn't there already). Build an artillery gun on the wall, and assign him to it. This ensures he's not crossing paths with you very often.

2. Take a couple settlement quests. Deal with the threats, report back to the settlers, but DO NOT check back with Preston. After about 1 ingame week, the quest will auto-complete... successfully! You'll get a "quest complete" popup and XP. However, since Preston is tucked away at his post, you won't be saddled with a new quest at this time. You'll only get another settlement quest if you listen to Freedom Radio (either on pip-boy or by milling around at the Castle), or by going up to Preston's post and talking to him.

Enjoy your free time, General.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:41 am

God donut! Once I've made this by talking to him and running away. If I get the right distance in the right time, the quest will complete but the new one will not appear.

But I've sided with Valentine to do his quest, and started to do Preston's quests again, to get his friendship. Now I can't get rid of this cycle... thanks pal! I'll try this one.

Oh... by the way... I really regret joined the Minutemen. If there was some way to just give the General rank to another one and just be a BoS Sentinel...

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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:50 am

All the factions are a bit silly IMO. At least the Minutemen let me play glitchy Fallout-Minecraft :)

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:18 am

Ironically, I can't get Preston to give me any more missions. Perhaps there is actually a limit on them?

I wanted to do a a few easy Minuteman missions in order to quickly "impress" a new companion (Curie). I've now made several visits to Preston and have engaged him in conversation each time - but no more quests are forthcoming.

I don't know how many Minuteman quests I did overall, but I expect they contributed the XP for about 40 of my 65 levels so far. Maybe there is a final cap on the missions after all....

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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:38 am

PressedHam Mc'Gravy is a nugget.

I left him in Concord to laser the raiders all day long while I took over the Commonwealth with MY settlements. You can make the beacons without him.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:25 pm


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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:13 am

You'll still get the occasional mission directly from the settlers. Usually a kidnap mission so you can just pay the ransom.

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Nick Tyler
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:22 am

I never understood why people hate Preston so much because all you have to do is simply walk away from him as the op said, and I've mentioned it in other threads too.

If you get a mission where you have to go talk to him just go see him and as soon as the little square indicator over his head disappears just walk away even if he is talking to you.

I guess I must be in permanent Stealth Boy mode or somethin'.


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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:18 am

You can also turn off the speakers at the Castle with the blue breaker box at the base of the tower. This means you won't accidentally get a quest just by being there.

However, I don't really make much of an effort to avoid these quests anymore. I did for a while. But avoiding them leads to more frequent attacks at settlements and decreases happiness because settlers will be waiting at their settlements to give you quests. If you see someone standing around the bend in the road at Sanctuary for an extended period, it's because they have one of these radiant quests to give you.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:27 am

I like Preston. He's now my third romance this game. He's sweet. Dull as dishwater, yes. A bit demanding, yes. But sweet.

So: Preston - check; MacReady - check; Piper - check; now it's Cait - that's a tough nut to crack. Not sure about Hancock though. I mean, honestly, he's a bit on the shrively side.

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:03 pm

On this playthrough, I left Preston right where he belongs... in Concord. Now I don't have to see him, that depressed Jun, angry Marcy or Momma Junkie Murphy anymore the rest of the playthrough which suits me just fine.

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:50 am

Cait is the most funny. I've fell in love by her accent. And... Irish? Redhead? Freckles? Damn! But I saw that she keeps flirting with other characters (like with MacReady), so now I'm keeping my serious relation with Piper, my first and true love. She's so cute!

I've got the maximum affinity with Danse and Codsworth without travelling with them. Just keep them in Sanctuary and keep mod weapons and power armor... hahaha

I've also traveled with Valentine. It's nice to have a friend, but a lover is better. I just can't imagine have Preston as a companion. If he is annoying far away, I can't imagine if he was always with me...

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:54 am

Can't make Danse or Codsworth happy at all. Ever.

Unfortunately for me, I was on a BoS mission and got side-tracked with Danse at my side and met up with X6-88 (we had to recapture a synth). Danse hated that I helped him and that I reset the synth's code. Not sure if I'll ever make up 2 hates. Besides, I can't do anything non BoS related with him without him clanking along and ruining everything and I refuse to work with the BoS except as a caps sponge. He lives by himself in a nice house at the airport. I hope he's happy.

Codsworth? Oh please. There's no making that robot happy. Hey, I'm nice, but not that nice and he's never around when I'm working at the benches for some reason. Love the guy, but he's a weenie.

Not a huge fan of Cait, but, I'm warming up (it's probably all the drugs and alcohol). She's going to the asylum with me. Figured that was a good one for her.

Hancock will help me get the chem dealer and I'll take Currie with me on my settlement maintenance next time.

Just don't know what I'm going to do with Danse. Nice guy, but such a goody-goody.

Strong. Oh Strong. Where did it all go so wrong. You've turned me in to a murderous cannibal. Oh Strong. Why don't you go out and use your missile launcher to wreck the neighborhood again. I know you enjoy that.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:28 pm

You can mostly accomplish the same thing even leaving Preston at Sanctuary Hills.

Granted, he will hit you with a mission if he walks up to you unexpectedly, but in my experience, the frequency was low enough that it wasn't too bad. I did have to remember to walk away from if I saw him coming and a mission had recently auto-completed.

I'd send him to The Castle, but my experience with moving companions around is very poor, with many bugs and disappearances that require reloading. The new patch notes mention reducing the frequency of minuteman missions, so hopefully we'll only have to use workarounds for a little while longer.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:03 am

Almost exhausted the side quest lines and stopped the main quest at "Glowing Sea", so I thought I'd go ahead and start the MM quests for xp. Still haven't taken the castle, but I have a couple questions for ya all...

First, as soon as I started the MM quests with Preston every time I go to Abernathy there is a side quest for me, is there really one EVERY TIME!!?? that is just ridiculous. Especially since Connie is there and I need to buy supplies from her regularly.

Second, so I went around and got all the settlements on my own (save for a couple like the castle), did I miss out on xp from MM quests that way? Seems I didn't get xp from getting the settlements without being told to by Preston.... :(

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Stephani Silva
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:01 am

Preston gave One dear to me 4 or 5 quests in a row in about 30 secs-1 minute.. Just kept walking past while One dear to me was trying to craft..

I sat watching with my jaw dropped.. I hate Preston.

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:59 am

My solution: Never start the Cycle. Preston and his annoying band are currently (and permanently) residing in the Concord Museum lobby.

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sexy zara
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:30 pm

Preston gave me 2 radiants in between my telling him I'd boff him and his telling his story to me. Weird. On the plus side, at least he's dedicated.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:46 am

Danse likes you in PA, so hop in and out of it regularly.

Mod some guns in front of him, help a Settlement or two and Codsworth is your man. Er, robot.

Strong has a weird quirk that I'm not 100% sure on - he seems to freaking love it when you build. It doesen't say it anywhere, but I went cleared Jamaica Plain with him, then set up a supply line. Once it was up, I whipped up a couple of levels above the workshop, a few crops, some water, equipped the Settlers - and out of the blue Strong idolises me. I'd even been picking locks in front of him.

My guess is Strong registers building as you giving stuff away, ie generosity - one of the few things he likes outside of killing.

OT, awesome Preston tip. Say hello to your new job, Garvey.
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:14 pm

I just assigned him to the garden right out back, and he was always in range. (Assuming Sanctuary of course.)

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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:23 am

OH!! I really hope this is true.

He is just hanging out at Trinity, and I was thinking of sending him to Starlight which I intend to turn into a base.

(To live with Codsworth and the Nuka junkie from DC, odd bunch.)

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:27 pm

Thank you so much!

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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:16 am

Like SS says, I'm happy to help.

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:55 am

since patch 1.3, I have had zero new quests from him or radio freedom.

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:24 am

I really like to pretend that I'm in real life in Fallout, so I try to be friend with everyone, and a good love-companion :P

I keep all my companions (except some) in Sanctuary Hills, my "main settlement". Codsworth and Danse are there. And, since I liked so much the weapons mod, and always use power armor, it was pretty easy to make them happy. They will "love" (yes, love, not only like!) when I mod some weapon or power armor. This happens each 48 in-game hours, so it is pretty easy. When I go to the power armor station to fix my stuff, I take the opportunity and make a little mod and undo it, to gain their affinity. Danse also "likes" when I enter in the power armor, happens each 24 in-game hours. Just took a couple of days to gain their maximum affinity. I'm pretty happy that Danse and Codsworth idolizes me!

But Strong... every time that I enter in my power armor, "Strong disliked that". Reached a point that "Strong is unhappy with you", so sent him to The Slog to avoid problems. Now that I've got the "Cannibal" perk, I will leave my power armor in Sanctuary Hills and start travelling with him.

Cait and Curie also loves me. But I want a serious relationship, thing that Cait don't seems to like... and Curie... I feel bad about her. The world is such a hell now... is better just stay in Sanctuary Hills and live a peaceful and innocent life. So Piper is my true love! By the way, Cait is way better after her personal quest... but Piper is still the cutest one!

Due to the "absolute BoS ending" of my game, X6-88 and Deacon now rest in peace. Killed them the most quick way possible to avoid any suffering... since they're companions, their bodies don't "despawn". Some times, I go to their death-place and keep a minute of silence.

I've sided with MacReady to do his quest and help his son. But... dunno, he's a nice guy. But only it.

To avoid an endless quest loop, had to send Preston to The Castle. Made good changes there, so the place is pretty good to live.

And Dogmeat also stays in Sanctuary. I can't see an innocent dog take a bullet... and Hancock? Nice fella also =D

Argh... all this "companion stuff" messes with my head...

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