I really like to pretend that I'm in real life in Fallout, so I try to be friend with everyone, and a good love-companion 
I keep all my companions (except some) in Sanctuary Hills, my "main settlement". Codsworth and Danse are there. And, since I liked so much the weapons mod, and always use power armor, it was pretty easy to make them happy. They will "love" (yes, love, not only like!) when I mod some weapon or power armor. This happens each 48 in-game hours, so it is pretty easy. When I go to the power armor station to fix my stuff, I take the opportunity and make a little mod and undo it, to gain their affinity. Danse also "likes" when I enter in the power armor, happens each 24 in-game hours. Just took a couple of days to gain their maximum affinity. I'm pretty happy that Danse and Codsworth idolizes me!
But Strong... every time that I enter in my power armor, "Strong disliked that". Reached a point that "Strong is unhappy with you", so sent him to The Slog to avoid problems. Now that I've got the "Cannibal" perk, I will leave my power armor in Sanctuary Hills and start travelling with him.
Cait and Curie also loves me. But I want a serious relationship, thing that Cait don't seems to like... and Curie... I feel bad about her. The world is such a hell now... is better just stay in Sanctuary Hills and live a peaceful and innocent life. So Piper is my true love! By the way, Cait is way better after her personal quest... but Piper is still the cutest one!
Due to the "absolute BoS ending" of my game, X6-88 and Deacon now rest in peace. Killed them the most quick way possible to avoid any suffering... since they're companions, their bodies don't "despawn". Some times, I go to their death-place and keep a minute of silence.
I've sided with MacReady to do his quest and help his son. But... dunno, he's a nice guy. But only it.
To avoid an endless quest loop, had to send Preston to The Castle. Made good changes there, so the place is pretty good to live.
And Dogmeat also stays in Sanctuary. I can't see an innocent dog take a bullet... and Hancock? Nice fella also =D
Argh... all this "companion stuff" messes with my head...