For the life of me I can't figure out what's going on with Preston. I don't know if it's a general bug or something with the mods I have installed (though I've tried to rule that out and no mods doesn't seem to help). For me, I saved Preston and the gang just fine. I did the first two settlement quests for him, did the Sanctuary bed, etc. building quest, and was made general. Now I haven't been able to get anything more out of Preston. He won't give me any quests and all I can do is talk to him trading equipment or following me. I haven't been able to trigger new quests and, therefore, can't get the Castle quest either. I tried taking the Castle myself to see if it triggered anything, but no. I've done a few radiant settlements under attack as well but they do nothing. As far as I can tell I can't progress with the Minutemen storyline, which is annoying as this was my main goal in this playthrough. Anyone else have this problem? I can't find a similar post anywhere.