I'm trying to set up four activators to teleport the player to four different locations, i could use a menu for this, but for astetic reasons i wanna use four seperate objects. They are each a orb with tied in animations and effects. As it stands now the player can activate all four at the same time, i'd like him or her to only be able to activate one at a time. How do i go about this? Papyrus is starting to click for me, but this is a bit advanced for me. Maybe something with global states or something?
Here is the script as it stands now, i haven't added the actual teleportation yet, content to just get this working for now. (Don't have the cells ready either)
Scriptname qqqSPIREActivateOrb extends ObjectReference {Activates the linked travel orb (qqqSPIREOrbActivator)}ObjectReference Property TeleOrb Auto EVENT onActivate (objectReference triggerRef) TeleOrb.PlayGamebryoAnimation("AnimIdle01") TeleOrb.PlayAnimation("open") ;Debug.MessageBox("Script Activated") Utility.Wait(10.0) Teleorb.PlayGamebryoAnimation("AnimIdle02") Teleorb.PlayAnimation("close") ;Debug.MessageBox("Timer Ended") Utility.Wait(10.0) ;Debug.MessageBox("Script Ended") endEVENT