So I posted a thread awhile back asking for advice about starting out in Skyrim since I had just picked up the Legendary Edition and had some issues my first time around right after the game had came out. Anyway, I’ve been following all the tips I got and having a great time as I start of this playthrough, but as I look to progress further I have this problem I am worried about:
Vampires from the Dawnguard expansion killing NPCs.
I have the legendary edition so I have have thus far avoided the problem by just not downloading Dawnguard, just Hearthfire and Dragonborn. I know that they won't start attacking until I hit level 10, but I wasn't sure A) How bad/frequent vampire attacks would be, B ) Would I have to complete the main Dawnguard quest just straight off to avoid NPC casualties and C) Would I even be able to handle the main quest and random vampire attacks at Level 10, and/or would I even want to.
So here are my questions:
How frequent are vampire attacks, where do they happen/ where can they happen, and how dangerous are these attacks? Or what actions on the player's part trigger these attacks?
What NPCs can be killed, and how likely is it they would be killed? Can trainers, quest givers, merchants, etc. be killed?
If important NPCs like the ones I mentioned above can be killed, what strategies do you have that I can use to avoid their deaths?
I also remember from my first playthrough the random dragon attacks that start happening after you start the main quest and having NPCs killed from those, so I have thus far avoided starting it. Any advice for dragon attacks on towns in the same vein as the stuff I mentioned above for vampire attacks?
As always, I'd appreciate it if people can keep it spoiler free.
Before I get the inevitable; "Why don't you search old threads/ just check UESP before you take your questions to the forums?
I have looked around the internet for information on how serious this problem is, or how to prevent it, avoid it, etc., but most threads either have unhelpful information, or, in the case of Dawnguard, most of the posts I have found are from right after the DLC came out and nobody knows what they are talking about. I suppose I may be able to find the answers to these questions on the Elder Scrolls wiki or UESP, but I want to avoid spoilers, which are pretty easy to stumble upon when looking up info about quests and events you haven’t done yet.
Note that I am on PS3, and when NPCs die they can't be replaced. If a blacksmith dies then that town won't get a new blacksmith. If a merchant or trainer dies, their services are gone to me forever. If a bunch of people in a town get slaughtered then that's a ghost town for the rest of the game. If all the occupants of a house die then that house is empty forever. The reason why these questions are so important to me are because my inability to just use console commands to fix things, and as a result my experience of the game will be stunted, not to mention immersion gets screwed since the rest of the town will probably act as though these people still exist.