Preview sites seem to have gotten something wrong

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:57 am

Let's not forget you are still Alcatraz from part 2. However, at the end of part 2 after waking up from a near death state the suit has essentially overrided Alcatraz and made him, at least in his head and to the suit, Prophet.

Many of the previews online keep stating that Prophet returns and then they wonder how this is possible considering he blew his own brains out. They seem to forget what happened at the end of Crysis 2. Makes me wonder if they even actually played the game.

You are Prophet in your head and to the suit, but your body has to be Alcatraz. Prophet looked pretty dead laying on the floor in the beginning of Crysis 2. After all, the suit needs a brain in order to work. Just doesn't matter who's brain.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:22 am

Atleast your on the right track, it seems pretty stupid how sites do seem to be clueless on this, for example, when you get your synapses fried by hargreave, prophets face apears and states this is no time for dieing, but with the twist of using the nanosuits voice, the same voice that says "nanovision, maximum armor, cloak engaged"

Another example is, well the book, its called "Legions" meaning many, as one. a.e. prophet and alcatraz merging personalities. In the book it was actually alcatraz speaking in the debriefing, abd he personally says " he hates having to share personalities, and remember his memories" I mean people come on. This is all in this game, you actually see the cutseens about prophet, those are suppose to be memories.

Book was importrant to understand, but it was clear your dead, but theres an extra, the suit is also nom' noming on your insides, anything that will allow it to repair all the bullets that do penetrate.

So yes, its prophet and alcatraz are sharing a suit, but not a conscious. "legion" is the keyword. "many and one"
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:28 pm

WTF - ALcatraz is nobody. You know nothing about his character or history. His values or attributes - he is a complete blank. Why does anyone give a f*ck about Alcatraz.

Prophet on the other hand is the baddest character in the Crysis universe. Cool under pressure, a leader of men. Party to knowledge about the history of the Ceph. Commander of respect from the toughest subordinates. Remember how Psycho flinched when Prophet showed his fangs. This is Psycho were talking about, if he fears Prophet then you know we're dealing with one bad muthaf*cker.

F*ck Alcatraz, he's gone - Prophet lives!
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:25 pm

Remember how Prophet went back to the Island .. and appearently he came back !

Also he changed the alien weapon to be used by humans in Crysis 1..

Prophet tricksed on death :D
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:11 am

Another thing people are forgetting: Rasch.
Jacob Hargreave chose the physical path to living: biostasis.

That was the path to immortality that Hargreave was talking about. Rasch is dead. At least to Hargreave in all terms of physicality. Which means Rasch's mind is in a nano-suit. He's a dead man walking.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:52 am

Jac- "WTF - ALcatraz is nobody. You know nothing about his character or history. His values or attributes - he is a complete blank. Why does anyone give a f*ck about Alcatraz.

Prophet on the other hand is the baddest character in the Crysis universe. Cool under pressure, a leader of men. Party to knowledge about the history of the Ceph. Commander of respect from the toughest subordinates. Remember how Psycho flinched when Prophet showed his fangs. This is Psycho were talking about, if he fears Prophet then you know we're dealing with one bad muthaf*cker.

F*ck Alcatraz, he's gone - Prophet lives!"

Dude, seriously? Because you think Prophet is more badass you're going to forget about the existence of Alcatraz? I don't care if Chuck norris was in the game, Alcatraz is Alcatraz.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:21 am

Prophet IS still alive. Replay 'Second Chance' and return to the room you woke up in, his corpse is gone lol.
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Bedford White
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:25 am
Please guys have a look at this thread. Most of you are so terribly wrong.
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Lucie H
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:11 pm
Please guys have a look at this thread. Most of you are so terribly wrong.

Yeah, you better articulated what I was trying to say in your thread.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:41 am
Please guys have a look at this thread. Most of you are so terribly wrong.
I've responded to people such as Jac many times, to no avail.
He apparently thinks I'm trying to spread my "dogmatic" assumptions.
My comments are no more dogmatic than 2+2 = 4.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:30 am

If it's Prophet's consciousness inside Alcatraz' body, then to me it's Prophet. Mind>Body.

It's all a bit of a grey metaphysical/philosophical debate deciding who it is actually under the suit. All depends on how you see it and interpret the story.

I also felt zero connection to Alcatraz as a character during the game, and even in the novel, he kinda came across as a bit of a douche (to me)

I'm much more interested in exploring Prophet's character in C3. So yeah as Jac70 said, **** Alcatraz
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:11 pm

If it's Prophet's consciousness inside Alcatraz' body, then to me it's Prophet. Mind>Body.

It's all a bit of a grey metaphysical/philosophical debate deciding who it is actually under the suit. All depends on how you see it and interpret the story.

I also felt zero connection to Alcatraz as a character during the game, and even in the novel, he kinda came across as a bit of a douche (to me)

I'm much more interested in exploring Prophet's character in C3. So yeah as Jac70 said, **** Alcatraz
No offense; we're not trying to say who's "cooler" or more "badass".
Alcatraz lacked character in the game; yes, we all agree with that.
That still doesn't mean you can blatantly disregard the way that the storyline has been laid out. The fact is that Alcatraz's mind was not "wiped clean" nor was it a "blank slate". His mind still exists along with Prophet's mind. That's all we're trying to say here.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:13 pm

That still doesn't mean you can blatantly disregard the way that the storyline has been laid out.

Why not? They did for the first game.

Would anyone really care (or notice) if Alcatraz'a mind just "had a sleep" throughout the entirety of C3. i wouldn't
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:32 am

That still doesn't mean you can blatantly disregard the way that the storyline has been laid out.

Why not? They did for the first game.

Would anyone really care (or notice) if Alcatraz'a mind just "had a sleep" throughout the entirety of C3. i wouldn't
The only big things that they really twisted were how they transitioned from one main character to the other main character, and how the aliens changed (which was actually kind of viable).
Those really aren't much considering how there wasn't much story behind the 1st game anyways. Richard Morgan just did a really bad job trying to create some depth in C2.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:14 pm

i dont know why people keep arguing about this and completely ignoring the storyline,i dont care what you guys think about who is cooler or not its about how the storyline is!! prophet DID die actually and his mind that was stored in the suit slowly begun to merge with Alcatraz since the suit is symbiotic,and by the end of the game that process is completed and now ALCATRAZ and PROPHET both are the same in the suit.! They are the same,yeah sure prophet is the one talking but Alcatraz is not dead!
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:16 am

i dont know why people keep arguing about this and completely ignoring the storyline,i dont care what you guys think about who is cooler or not its about how the storyline is!! prophet DID die actually and his mind that was stored in the suit slowly begun to merge with Alcatraz since the suit is symbiotic,and by the end of the game that process is completed and now ALCATRAZ and PROPHET both are the same in the suit.! They are the same,yeah sure prophet is the one talking but Alcatraz is not dead!
I though this was know already but I guess some people are stupid and can understand simple story plots. :P
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