Author: Harmy52
Version: 1.0
Date: 11-5-2010
Cateogry: Gameplay Tweaks
Link: Little Hylian with a green hat.
Homepage: None
This adds a perception requirement to Energy Weapons.
SPECIALs. They were so important in FO1/2 yet near useless in FO3. I hope that my Skill Cap based on SPECIALs mod helped in that regard.
So, what does this mod do? This mod adds a Perception requirement to using Energy Weapons.
That means that to use Energy Weapons pefectly, you need to have 7 perception. If you have lower then 7 perception you have a random chance of hurting yourself when firing.
The lower your perception the more chance of hurting yourself, and the more damage. So I advice you not to fire Energy Weapons when you have 1 perception

I also advice you not to use automatic Energy Weapons when you have less then 7 perception. (Been there, done that, and have a tombstone to prove it

This mod is also completely compatible with any mod that adds Energy Weapons. No patches needed. This mod is also compatible with popular mods like FWE, FOOK, and Phalanx.
This mod requires FOSE to work.
Fallout 3 Patch 1.7
FOSE v1 (
1. Extract the files from the archive.
2. Copy files to (install folder)\Fallout 3\Data\
3. Start Fallout 3 Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
1. Start Fallout 3 Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
This should be completely compatible with any mod.
No known issues so far, please let me know if you find any.
1.0 11-5-2010 - Initial Release
Harmy52 at gamesas Forums.
Harmy52 at Nexus Forums.
Recommended Mods:
Ammo Limit:
Skill Cap based on SPECIALs:
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Fallout 3.
Thanks to a load of people I know for helping me out.
Thanks to Chipfork for making this sound:
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for ReadMe Generator this readme is based on.
Thanks to God for making us all.
Tools Used:
Fallout 3 ReadMe Generator
This file is provided as is and the author holds no responsiblity for anything that may come to happen from using this file.
You do not use parts of this in your mods without asking me and getting my permission. If I do not respond then the answer is an immediate no.