I am from Ireland (known as a uk country) and play Fallout new Vegas on the PS3. I wish to raise an issue that I believe is one of the games most major glitches which currently seems to occur 100% of the time.
It is known that patch 1.02.3xx made it that citizens of Primm reside in their houses during nighttime and wander around Primm during daytime after the Quest "My kind of town" is completed and a sheriff is appointed. This means that the citizens no longer stay permanently in the town's casino, which they only do before the completion of the said quest.
However, after the arrival of newer patches, the above events no longer happen. ALL Primm citizens with the exception of Deputy Beagle stay as they are in the casino for the entire game. What is worse, even Johnson Nash stays where he is and will no longer sell items after the completion of said quest. He will only ask you to wait for him to get to his shop, which he never does.
Fallout New Vegas is full of Glitches, such as NPCs falling through the ground to oblivion or being permanently hostile, which results in them chasing you through the entire nevada. Cass once came out of nowhere to attack me in Black mountain. These, however, do not always hapen.
The above Primm glitch, however, does and i feel that it is a constant frustration that makes Primm a worthless ghost town.
I, as a devoted fan to this game, beg to those it concerns to PLEASE fix this glitch in future patches before the release of Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition.
I would also wish to hear from the other players if they have also experienced this glitch. I don't know about other regions or consols, but this happens to the UK PS3 version of the game, at the very least. Removing all patches temporarily fixes the glitch, but the glitch returns once the patches are re - installed.