The Miracle of Peace is an event that very few can explain and even fewer that understand. High Rock was transformed, many former kingdoms and city-states were absolved into the Kingdoms Daggerfall and Wayrest, the two remaining Kingdoms of the Breton people. Bringing the land closer to unity than ever before.
However, old habits die hard.
The end of the Third Era saw turmoil across Tamriel, no other nation more effected than the heart of the Empire, Cyrodiil. The Oblivion crisis left the Empire with no Emperor, and without an Emperor the Empire started to lose its grip on the continent as the Elder Council struggled to maintain order. The Argonian homeland of Black Marsh was the first nation to secede from the Empire; The Khajiit soon followed shortly after. Whilst High Rock remained a province within the dying Empire, it was clear that most nobles in the land had no intentions of remaining loyal to the Empire for much longer.
Upon coronation as King of Wayrest, King Coretin, son of Queen Elysana and King Woodborne. Boldly announced Wayrest's separation from the Empire, and proclaimed himself as "King of all the Bretons." His first year of his reign was the banishing of Imperial diplomats and made lords and ladies swear oath of fidelity, those who did not either lost their lands, exiled, or were disposed of. Count Mael of Northpoint refused to recognize Coretin's claim, this led to the Invasion of the city-state of Northpoint. His war against Northpoint was short but brutal, destroying much of the land and needless death. Mael, along with his wife and two youngest children were killed. However, Mael's oldest daughter managed to escape claiming protection in Daggerfall.
The nobles of the Daggerfall court we're outraged, though, King Camaron remained silent on the matter. Daggerfall's power had waned, King Camaron was more cautious than his father and held onto old ways, placing the Kingdom in a state of stagnation. Late into the year; Anticlere, restless of the King's rule is a location that King Coretin cannot afford to lose, it's port is second to only Wayrest in trade and gold and fortress provides defence and a staging area should the King finally decided to invade Daggerfall. A long, but silent, opponent to Coretin's regime. Count Frederick Flyte of Anticlere dies by "questionable means." while on the hunt. His only child and daughter of eighteen, Amelia Flyte inherited the estate and all of its lands. King Coretin see's her as naive and, "just a girl." He hopes to manipulate the young countess into a loyal subject, and even betroths his eldest son to her. Making sure that the future of Anticlere is true to the throne.
Upon arrival at Anticlere, the Wayrest entourage was invited to the royal court. It was there that they found that this girl was not so naive, and had no plans to remain loyal to Wayrest. The entourage was cut down, sparring but one to pass the message along.
Anticlere seceded from Wayrest, and the young Countess proved to be incredibly intelligent, charismatic and deadly. An army of 7,000 men under the command of Coretin's eldest son marched on Anticlere, it was there that the Wayrest army suffered defeat a shock defeat, guerrilla warfare and un-chivalric like skirmishes took heavy toll on the Wayrest army. Along with this defeat, Anticlere boards expanded into Daenia, Uravius and Dwynen.
Another host of 14,000 men was formed, this time with King Coretin in command.
Around the same time, the King of Daggerfall Camaron died. His son, determined to act where his father did not. Gathered his own host of 10,000 and marched towards Anticlere.
At the rising of the sun, on the 15th of Sun's Dawn. King Coretin's army prepared their siege of Anticlere. Having marched unopposed. His son, heir to Wayrest having failed to conquer Anticlere before, was placed to the north, it was here that the Daggerfall army arrived; The young King of Daggerfall and Prince of Wayrest clashed. The tension between the two kingdoms exploded in slaughter as there was no quarter for noble or commoner, blood ran thick in the rivers. By midday, the Daggerfall force eventually overwhelmed the Princes men and once again, he was forced to retreat, leaving his father's flank open to attack. Alas it was not the armies of Daggerfall or Anticlere that lifted the siege.
An army bearing no banners attacked the rear guard of the King of Wayrest's army. They killed, ransacked and massacred, at the helm of this army was a man riding a great warhorse, his helm adorned with a crown of thorns atop of it. During the skirmish, the King himself was gravely wounded, it became clear that this was a battle lost.
Wayrest, for a second time had been routed. As the smoke cleared, the man and his army Without A Banner approached both Daggerfall and Anticlere. He proclaimed himself as the Pauper King, "For I am the King of the Poor." He yelled, "And this is my earthly crown." When asked if he was friend or foe to both Daggerfall and Anticlere. Neither found an answer, for he simply left, along with his army."
~ An excerpt from "Of princes and Paupers" by Scholar Yannick
~Of princes and Paupers~
High Rock is preparing for civil war, though each faction have crossed blades, an uneasy stalemate currently exists. People are forced to choose sides, families are torn apart, cities are filled with sell swords, and mercenaries who hope for glory and gold.
Daggerfall and Anticlere have allied; The King of Daggerfall even seeks an alliance with Sentinel. Countess Amelia is deadly as she is beautiful, with her actions being shrouded in mystery. Wayrest stands alone but boasts an impressive army, and coffers to match. King Coretin, possess the traits of his mother, if not more so. He is ruthless and ambitious as he seeks to build a new Empire. A Breton Empire.
The rightful heir of Northpoint worries about her future as she remains in protection of Daggerfall, and while many are determined to remain neutral in this conflict, but war is inevitable.
Despite what it may sound like, this is more of a story-driven RPG. It has elements of politics and tactics in it, but it has a story, you, have a story in this game. In this game you'll play as one of the member of the royal families in High Rock, or either as nobles and knights. Mercenary, glory hunters hoping to take advantage in this war, spies and, if needed be, assassins.
*Important; Read please.* Each character as a "destiny." nothing like the Elder Scrolls (aka; Your going to be Dragonborn), but something more real to your character; I've written out a few already, but I may even write some out for your character specifically, in order to prolong and keep the story fresh; You may receive it at the beginning of the game, you may receive it later on. Some destinies interconnect with other players, at the time I won't reveal examples but I have a system if certain destinies require a less than... Diplomatic approach to them. Each one is flexible enough for each player so that they are just role-playing just for the sake of it, I still want you to be able to create a story.
As game master, in certain situations. I'll be forced to provide a narrative for players to play along with, largely when a player is interacting with a NPC or the world around them. I'm used to this system on other forums, but have noticed a lack of it here. Hopefully it works out well. As for warfare, player/player battles and player/NPC battles, I've decide to use a dice-system, I'll rate your post and then roll a number of dice to see which actions have worked or failed. I'm doing this to make battles more interesting but more so to prevent ubering and save arguments, at least, I'll hope it'll save arguments. Also please read
~The Factions~
Kingdom of Wayrest
The Kingdom of Wayrest, unrivalled in coin, soldiers and power. Even with its multiple enemies, it would be hard not to believe Wayrest was set to dominate the entire province of High Rock. However, Wayrest troubles stem not from the outside but from within.
Outspoken peasants and feuding nobles and most troubling, family politics. It is Wayrest itself that has stopped King Coretin from realising his ambitions of conquering High Rock. If the King is to see his dream fulfilled, he must first conquer his nations own issues before dealing with Daggerfall and Anticlere.
~The Main Players~
King Coretin; Ruler of Wayrest - "King of all the Bretons" (Age; 55)
Son of Queen Elysana and Lord Woodborne. He is as cunning, ambitious and if not more so, dangerous as his mother. He dreams of a Breton Empire, but dreams carry a man so far. A tall, slender man, a strong build with golden hair (though grey are starting to break through at the roots.) his looks have not dulled over the years, even in his fifties he is still considerably an attractive man.
Prince Eadwyre, Heir to the Throne, Lord of Northpoint. Taken; Person from Anticlere
The eldest son of the King and heir to the throne, he was at one point the favoured son of his father. However his recent military defeats have saw his younger brother come more into his father's attention. He was rewarded the lands of Northpoint after holding his father's flank during the siege. When the defenders threatened to overrun the Kings line.
The youngest born son, Prince of Wayrest. (Age; 18) *Player spot open*
Having lived in his brothers shadow for much of his life, he became dependent on his mother. This made him resentful of his elder sibling, recent fate however has given the young born the opportunity to please his father.
Princess Elysana (Age; 7)
Named after her grandmother. She is her father's rose in the Imperial Gardens. Too young to be involved in the game of politics at the moment. She takes after her mother for long elegant blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
Queen Enora (Age; 41)
Wife to the King, father to his children. In her youth she was extremely beautiful, and age has been kind to her but over the years the Kings attention for her has waned as he's sought out more younger models for his pleasure. She remains close to her children but has grown resentful of married life.
Lord Pierrick of Farrun (Age; 48)
Rumoured to have been made the Lord of Farrun as to be kept as far away from Wayrest. Pierrick is the younger brother of Coretin. He's known to be a kind ruler, firm but far. Farrun has prospered since his rule. He's the polar opposite to his brother, but so far has remained quiet over the upcoming war. Like his brother, he posses the same blonde hair and handsome frame. He is married with a son and daughter. *Daughter spot still open*
- Elouan; son of Pierrick of Ferrun *Taken by Krill*
Kingdom of Daggerfall
Old and Proud; Daggerfall is a former shadow of what it once was. However with young blood on the throne, hopes have raised amongst the people. The Young King is more vocal than his father and more willing to defend the land. An alliance of connivance with Anticlere is currently in place as both him, and the Countess Amelia Flyte know they cannot hold Wayrest alone forever, an Alliance with Sentinel is also sought by the Young King. Should he gain the support of the Redguards. Wayrest may find itself in a delicate situation.
~The Main Players~
The Young King; Ruler of Daggerfall (Age; 20's) *Player spot open*
Successor to King Camaron II; His son has proven to be intelligent and resourceful. Though much still needs to be done to Daggerfall, but his popularity should smoke the fire nicely in order to return Daggerfall to its glory days.
Prince Eage of Daggerfall (Age; 14) *Taken; Schmuty Buncis*
A prince maybe, but he is unsure of this is what he wants. Like his brother, considered intelligent. He favours academics over sword and shield. Though his brother would see to change this if Daggerfall is to be the powerhouse of High Rock.
Queen Regent; Aela (Age 50)
A loyal and devoted wife. Both her and her husband had many a happy year married. Their union resulted in the birth of their two children. Her husband's death caused her to become more protective of her sons. Especially her eldest who is known to ride with his men during battle.
Elissa; Ward of Daggerfall; Heiress to the lands of Northpoint *Taken; Broken-Scale*
Once young and happy. She now lives in a state of limbo, the loss of her family forced her to seek refuse in Daggerfall. The crowing of the new king, he promised to return Northpoint to her. However as it's clear that the Young King is clearly challenging Wayrest and King Coretin as, "King of the Bretons" it remains seen if she will return to Northpoint as Countess and an independent state. Or if she'll become a weapon through marriage.
State of Anticlere
Young and surprising stronger than expected, Anticlere is slowly grabbing land in all directions. Anticlere is a threat that no one could had expected. The Countess Amelia has an army that is not the size of that of Daggerfall and Wayrest, but it's soldiers are loyal and strong. What stamp Anticlere wants to make on High Rock has yet to be seen. However it's agreed that Countess Amelia is going to mark a long lasting one.
~The Main Players~
Countess Amelia Flyte (Age; 19)
Young, beautiful, intelligent, charismatic and loved by the people she is maybe the deadliest ruler in High Rock. However, the rumour of a darker side to her personality exists. Her motives are covered by dark clouds, even those closest to her cannot read what she intends to do. If the rumour about her wanting to be queen is true, then she could become a very powerful ruler that might rival that of the Emperors of the old Empire. Her hair is the colour of the raven, long and well tamed and her eyes are a enchanting deep brown, both features complement her lighter skin tone and lithe figure.
The Pauper Army (Non-Playable)
A friend to no one and enemy to everyone (though only Wayrest has had the only hostilities against it so far). The Pauper King leads a army without a banner. It is not known who the Pauper is, and who side he fights for. Rumours range, that it is the dead count of Northpoint that has returned to take revenge on Wayrest, to a Imperial Legion in disguise in order to disrupt the war so the Empire may keep hold over the land. But why the people love them... hasn't a answer, it just is.
What is clear however is that this is a threat that all should consider.
The Pauper King
A mystery. The Pauper King appeared over-night, by some witness accounts, almost literally. By the people, he's considered their King and Champion, which is some indication where his actions lie but how could one explain why such a large army is moving around unnoticed. The most noticeable aspect to him is his Crown of Thrones atop his helm.
Rules and Character Sheet;
~The Rules~
1. No ubering! And no ubering your factions, if other players and myself believe that you are. Fate will punish you.
2. No Jedi mind tricks or mind reading.
3. No random invasions, even if you are in control of your faction. If you want to and you are in control, run it by me first. I don't want Wayrest to fall within five posts.
4. Romances are allowed. In fact, I encourage them, some may even be a part of a characters destiny. Keep it clean please.
5. Two characters allowed. HOWEVER, if you win a spot for a royal family member. You cannot apply for another royal family member. And you must role-play against the said faction your first character belongs too.
6. Your know what your characters destiny is; Your characters, DO NOT. They will find out through other characters, it will be rp'd or I'll inform you that it's time.
7. Have fun! :biggrin:
~Character Sign-up Sheet~
Notice; If you intend to apply for a spot as one of the royalty. Read what I have wrote, and try and adapt your personality and history around that. However don't let this seem as you can't be creative with them.

Place of Birth;
Birth sign;
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
A brief history;
~Approved characters~
Person from Anticlere; Heir of Wayrest
Gender: Male
Race: Breton (Wayrestian)
Place of Birth: Wayrest
Birth sign: The Steed
Traits: Magick is not Eadwyre’s forte; though he has a rudimentary grasp of it, he much prefers to fight with steel. He has been said to be a rather good public speaker, as required of the heir to Wayrest’s throne, but he cannot be said to enjoy making speeches a lot; that isn’t to say he’s the quiet type, known (at least in the past) to be chatty and if need be – persuasive.
Personality: Eadwyre has grown darker and some would say more mature over the recent past, owing to the continued string of bad luck he suffers from. Once a firm worshipper of Akatosh, he has since started thinking the Divine patron of Wayrest has abandoned him; the situation is much the same with his family, he feels distant and rarely wanted nowadays, except for the love he treasures for his little sister, the sole bond he has remaining to his immediate family. All this has added up and the crown prince, who used to seek out company actively, has now grown more reserved. He still retains a large part of who he once was – a proud prince of Wayrest, militant, some would say rather arrogant and at times treacherous, yet holding the ideals of chivalry high (even if he is not always able to abide by them) – but undeniably, Eadwyre is changing.
Allegiance: Kingdom of Wayrest
Weaponry: A steel bastard sword
Armour/Clothing: Eadwyre is most often seen in his armour. He wears a gambeson, over it – a chainmail hauberk. The crown prince is yet further protected by a steel plate cuirass with faulds (the skirt like steel plates beneath the cuirass), also wearing steel boots, gauntlets and spaulders. Outside of battle one will rarely see him with his helmet; in combat he wears a steel great helm, also using a heater shield that bears the crest of Wayrest.
Appearance: Standing at slightly above six feet, Eadwyre is not an extremely bulky man, but it is visible from his frame he is a warrior - his body is toned from the various exercises he performs and he moves with a certain grace even in armour. The crown prince is rather handsome, just like his father, with fairly short – barely covering his ears – slightly curly golden hair, a bit of a wispy moustache above his thin, pale lips; his slightly arched eyebrows, sitting above the fairly large, lively dark brown eyes, are likewise golden. Eadwyre’s nose is probably the only fault of his face – it is a bit too large and bent to the side, courtesy of the inexpert healer tending to it after it was broken in combat.
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Golden
A brief history: The firstborn son of the royal family, Eadwyre (who was named for his great-grandfather) always received a lot of attention from his father, even when his brother was born several years later. Courtesy of his father’s tutelage, he has come to view his mother with a bit of contempt, even though he never displays it openly; not so with his brother, since he was never afraid to show Eadwyre thought of him as womanly and groomed for much of their life together. The crown prince was also always fond of his uncle, yet the position his father assigned to him meant they rarely saw each other. Ever the king’s favourite, a good life seemed ensured to the firstborn of Wayrest.
Of recent, however, tables seem to be turning. Suffering several military defeats, Eadwyre found his brother placed above him for the first time; king Coretin has chosen to distance himself from his firstborn, apparently taking to thinking of him as a failure, and Eadwyre responds in kind, seeing Northpoint as a means to get him out of the way and possibly strip him of his succession rights. Feeling a stranger – sometimes even an enemy – in his own family, the only ones of the whole royal line that he still holds love for are his little sister Elysana and his uncle, lord of Farrun.
Kyrill; Son of Lord Pierrick
Gender; Male
Race; Breton
Age; 24
Place of Birth; Farrun
Birth sign; The Tower
- Magnanimous
- Stubborn
- Chivalric
Personality; With Pierrick, his father, serving as a admirable role-model, Elouan was well nurtured. Concepts such as kindness, courtesy, generosity, are very close to him. While he is possessed of these goodly traits, he is nevertheless young, and is often times prone to rash action, naivety and losing his temper at times. Despite his 'knightly' code of conduct however, Eloaun doesn't seem to be very much of a patriot, favouring his father over the King.
Allegiance; Pierrick and Ferrun first, Wayrest second.
- A Silver Bastard Sword : Sharp, Pointy, gets the job done.
- Fine Steel Heater Shield : Almost triangular in shape, the shield bears the heraldry of Ferrun on it's face.
- Suit of Chainmail : Most of the time he wears chainmail, favouring it due to it's light weight and freedom of movement
- Steel Armor : On the other hand, when something utterly serious is about to happen, he dons his more protective steel armor.
- Tunic/Leggings/Leather Boots : And when he isn't dressed in his usual combat attire, he wears simple, functional, clothing.
Appearance: Looking very much like his father, Elouan handsome features are reminiscent of the past rulers of Wayrest. Well built and muscled, he appears superbly fit, with hardly an ounce of extra fat visible on him. He keeps his blond hair managed in a stylish ponytail, which hangs just past his shoulders. Dressed in chainmail and armed with his weaponry, Elouan cuts a very striking, knightly appearance.
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Sandy Blond
A brief history;
Born to the Lord Pierrick, Elouan was raised far from the political intrigue of Wayrest and the counties closer to the capital. Raised in the fair city of Ferrun, Elouan was instead exposed to the sailors of afar and the (arguably) shady denizens of a port city. Although his father tried to limit his excursions to the seedy port district of Ferrun, Elouan nevertheless took opportunities to sneak into the city quite often. Somehow, either by sheer luck, or some unseen guardian, Elouan was never harmed in his trips and whenever he returned, he noticed his father always looked at him with a rather funny expression.
Elouan's adventures into the city had stopped by the time he reached ten, as his martial training and education had begun. Tutored by a renowned sage, Elouan learnt his letters, arithmetic and history. His punishing physical training left him exhausted and often, he would return with bruises, bruises which turned rather interesting shades of purple the next day. Nevertheless, his education paid off and he emerged by the age of eighteen a respectable gentlemen and fierce fighter.
Throughout Elouan's life, he was occasionally taken to the lands of the other lords and sometimes, to the sprawling metropolis of Wayrest. It was in these journies that he met some of the other nobles of the land, and introduced to the King, his children and the nobles of the King's court.
Broken-Scale; Heiress of Northpoint
Gender: Female
Race: Breton
Age: 16
Place of Birth: Northpoint
Birth sign: The Lady
Traits: Elissa is an intelligent, a quick learner and very resourceful. She has been trained in the traditional style of sword and shield fighting, and has proven to be fairly adept at it, though nowhere near great. Her talent in swordplay comes not from raw skill, but rather in her strategic ability. She tends to fight like chess masters play chess: thinking multiple steps ahead and making moves that, while seemingly disconnected, flow together in the end to make a perfect “checkmate”. She has also taken up poetry recently, and is fairly decent at it.
Personality: Elissa is an extremely independent and very strong-willed young woman. However, she has been forced to grow up quickly over the past several months. The outgoing, relaxed, confident, and charming girl she once has become quiet and uptight, prone to long stretches of silent contemplation and extremely angry at Wayrest for taken away all that mattered to her. Elissa tends to be very sarcastic when in a bad mood.
Allegiance: Elissa is loyal to Daggerfall out of gratitude, but she also recognizes that at this point in her life, she needs to put herself first.
Weaponry: Elissa wields the sword and shield that have been passed down in her family for generations. The shield is a steel kite shield that bears the crest of her family (a pair of wings coming out from the hilt of a sword). The sword is an ornate steel blade, with an ivory hilt wrapped in black leather and engravings along the blade itself.
Armor/Clothing: In battle, Elissa wears a suit of studded leather armor (think the studded leather armor from Dragon Age: Origins). Outside of combat, however, Elissa usually has to wear various fancy dresses tailor-made for her, though she actually hates wearing them, and prefers to just wear pants and loose shirts when she can get away with it.
Appearance: Elissa is a very attractive young woman, with very feminine features. She is about 5’7” tall, with a body typical of a teenage girl who keeps herself in good shape. Her hair falls just past her chin and she styles it with one braid that hangs on the left side of her head, and one lock of hair that falls over her right eye (think Leliana’s hair from DA:O), but she does it up in a ponytail when in a hurry.
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Dirty blond
A brief history: Elissa, typical of children of nobles, grew up in the lap of luxury. She, as the oldest child of Count Mael and heiress to Northpoint, received personal training from her father in the arts of diplomacy and war, though she never was particularly fond of politics and never thought she would actually get to put her training into action. However, when her father denied the King of Wayrest’s claim to being the “King of All Bretons”, he retaliated and sent soldiers to invade Northpoint, including her home. She barely managed to escape, though she was forced to watch her younger siblings, Raena and Darrin, get shot down by soldiers of Wayrest, was forced to leave her dying father and mother behind, and eventually ride to Northpoint without the guard who saved her. Swearing vengence, she travelled to Daggerfall for protection, and, more importantly, to claim justice for her family. Now, as the last scion of her family, she must take up its banner and the task of living up to her family’s proud heritage.
Schmuty Buncis; Prince of Daggerfall
Gender; Male
Race; Breton
Age; 14
Place of Birth;
Birth sign; Mage
Traits; Intelligent, agile and balanced in magicka, but he is not the atheletic nor fighting type. He prefers paper to sword and is a pacifist, but will do what's necessary if in danger to protect himself and those around him he loves. He is observant, picking up small details easily.
Personality; Indecisive and timid, he is unassertive, therfore is easily pushed around by others and is easily made jealous. Though, he is compassionate, kind-hearted and loving, he is stubborn as he is strongly against civil war. Eage is religous, and a beliver of Akatosh only, excluding the other gods.
Allegiance; Daggerfall
Weaponry: Unused Akaviri Shortsword (It is more for show, but still able)
Armour/Clothing: He wears a white shirt with laces at the neck and a black, silver buttoned vest with black pants and neat leather boots. He wears chainmail whenever necesarry.
Appearance: A lean, slim body builld, reaching 5'5. He has an angular face and sharp but balanced features, with deep-set, piercing emerald green eyes. His hair is black as night, curly, short and close-cut. Eage is clean-shaven, a healthy smile and olive complexion.
Eye Colour: Emerald Green
Hair Colour: Black, curly locks and close-cut.
A brief history; The youngest born of his line, after his father's death, Eage mourned his dead father greatly. At a young age, he visited the Chapel to pray regularly and often wandered the streets. At age 8, he lost himself. Bypassers thoght him wandering about, not to their knowledge that the boy was lost, and him too timid to ask a guard, Eage tried to fins his way home. He eventually passed an alleyway, his eight-year old mind telling him to enter the alley. He did so and stumbled upon a large crack like a scar in the stone building where the wall touched the ground. The giant crack became his niche. He found his way home after his father called out to the gurads in search of his missing son. Whenever Eage had a fight, or just needed to let of steam, he would find his niche, the path well mapped out in his mind.
Tarranium; Argonian Prisoner
Gender; Male
Race; Argonian
Age; 29
Place of Birth; Morrowind
Birth sign; The Thief
Traits;Blade, medium armor, athelics, acrobat
Personality;Rilgar is calm and percistance he has never gone to any kind of school so he lacs educasion but has learned everything important by himself. He hates racisim and he is not a no one left behind guy he will sacrifice anyone who slowes him down. He is quick to charge in battle but is always focused on one opponent at a time. He enjoys climbing up buildings and rocks a like but like all argonians he loves to swim.
Allegiance; Kingdom of Wayrest, but the character doesnt know it yet.
Weaponry:An enhanted silver blade
Armour/Clothing: Medium armor (No helmet) thats pure black but has some redish on it. Also wears an enchanted necless that remains hidden is his armor.
Appearance: Muscular and unlike other argonians Rilgar is pitch black but somewhat reddish.
Eye Colour: Red
Hair Colour: Reddish fishy thingies
A brief history; Ever since he was born he had nothing, he had to survive by murders and robberies. When he was only eleven he moved to Cyrodiil and joined the fighters guild and the thieves guild but was caught when he was 28. And now a year has passed, he has been travelling around but got caught stealing food in the land of Wayrest and now remains in a cell soon to be discovered.
Millardkillmoore; Knight of Anticlere
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Age: 27
Place of Birth: County Chorrol
Birth sign: The Warrior
Traits: The younger son of minor Cyrodill nobility. A Knight who has sworn his sword to the Countess of Anticlere.
Personality: Honest, and loyal, Serves Anticlere faithfully.
Allegiance: Anticlere
Weaponry: Lance, Shield with Coat-of-Arms, Silver Greatsword.
Armour/Clothing: Steel Half-Plate. A blue surcoat with a silver minotaur embroidered upon it, the sigil of his house.
Appearance: 6 feet, 5 inches. Muscular and Broad shouldered.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Black hair in a short, military cut.
Backstory: He was raised in Battlehorn Castle near Chorrol, his father was noble and vassal too the Count of Chorrol. He was trained as a knight all his life and expected to serve as one of his father's knights or perhaps swear his sword to Chorrol's Count. He did so until the age of 22. Aric and his older brother, Osric, never got along well and he left when their father died and Osric inheireted the family estate. Aric became a wandering Hedge knight, fighting in a few small wars between petty lords throughout Hammerfell and High Rock. After two years of wandering, he Found Anticlere to his liking and took up service there. He has served Anticlere honorably for 3 years and distinguished himself during the guerilla campaign against the 7,000 men of Coretin's eldest.
Haresus; Knight of Anticlere
Gender; Male
Race; Breton
Age; 18
Place of Birth; Anticlere
Birth sign; The Lord
Traits; A very mundane Knight, fighting only with steel, sweat and blood who has been taught a very knightly way of life that he tries to live up to whenever he can. He is also usually very chatty with his friends.
Personality; Arrogant and sure of his own competence. Young and rash, prone to do things without thinking. He is however a strong supporter of the Countess whom he believes will ensure Anticlere a strong spot in High Rock and whom he likes a whole lot more than that "arrogant old man calling himself "King of all the Bretons"".
Allegiance; The Countess of Anticlere, and Anticlere.
Weaponry: An iron longsword, given to him when he was 16 years old by his father.
Armour/Clothing: For combat: A hauberk (chainmail) with leather armour under it and for the legs and a kite shield. When not in combat: Varying, tunics and shirts with leader hoses and boots.
Appearance: Medium length with a quite musculous build with a very sharp face. Long hair in Aragorn-style.
Eye Colour: Green.
Hair Colour: Dark brown.
A brief history; A younger son of a lesser noble in Anticlere, Peric was given a less care and education than his bigger brothers but he was none the less given a fine training as a soldier with sword and shield, able to fight both on foot and horseback. When 13 he swore an oath of obedience to Count Frederick Flyte, and upon his death, a new one to Countess Amelia Flyte. Thanks to faking illness he managed to avoid swearing the oath of fidelity to King Coretin, something which nobody had time to get done before Anticlere declared independance. Even though he many times asked to go out and fight the armies of Wayrest he was never allowed to and was left in Anticlere to defend the city in case the enemy army would get through to it. Even when King Coretin himself marched in to besiege the town (and suceeded in so) he was only able to see the enemy from the walls, not more. Now he is eager to fight the hordes of Wayrest for the best of Anticlere and Countess Amelia, who he sees as the perfect queen. Beautiful, clever and with Anticlere′s best for her eyes.