» Fri May 04, 2012 6:52 am
Castle Evermore
Before Evermore was a Kingdom, before Evermore was a city, it had been a castle. And in the castle, a tower. This original stone massing, wrapped tight in two era's worth of additions, turrets and halls, bulwarks and buttresses of every shape free to the imagination of the greatest architects throughout High Rock's long history, itself displayed the height of the classical Direnni style, ignorant though its current occupier may be. The Direnni, that intrepid Altmer clan who brought so much of Tamriel under their yoke, in eons past, had made Towers such as Evermore in each part of their domain. In youthful naiviety, each of these great outposts had been built in the image of Crystal-Like-Law, but in the grey, grim stone of Wrothgaria. In the ages that passed, the Direnni's sphere of influence shrunk, and each of these towers, which marked the perimeters of their heartland, fell. Except Evermore. Even once the boundaries of the Direnni Empire fell back upon Balfiera, and they were resigned to rule only over the Adamantine Tower itself, Evermore remained standing. The Tower of Evermore's epithet proved no boast. Perched high in easternmost Wrothgaria, like a chimney to the mountain, Evermore has to this day never been taken by forceful siege. When Evermore did change hands, to become a human holding, it was out of politeness, no more.
Around that ancient tower, countless more have grown. Mirroring the pine wood that stretches out all around it, Castle Evermore is a forest of turrets, looping fortifications that snake out into the city around it. Here and there, neighbourhoods are sectioned off by high walls, grand court-yards of stately homes, built upon plateaus that jutt out or into the great mountain. There is no logic to Evermore, its shape seems the result of whimsy before anything else: in some places houses have been built upon sheer cliff-faces, in others whole areas have been left as playing fields, while hovels latch onto the walls outside. As the steep climb of the mountainside on which Evermore is placed eases, Castle Evermore comes to an abrupt end, one final high stone barricade, rising thirty feet, resplendent with gleaming portcullis, offers the Grand Boulevard of Evermore City the winding path through the Castle itself. Out of this border, the last great snakes of Castle Evermore's fortified walls protrude, ending in round towers, placed strategically among the the sprawling city. For centuries, this marked the end of Evermore, though in recent eras, a second city, a tight bunch of boroughs has spread out beneath. Here the architecture shifts. While inside the walls, the great stately homes of Evermore's aristocracy are built in the pompous, turreted-stone Direnni style, outside even the grandest estates are pine-wooden, and almost Nordic in their arrangement. Preposterously angled triangular roofs poke out from every home, catching the snow that falls on Evermore most of the year round, the walls themselves wooden-panelled, and painted in picturesque colours. Through the richer areas of Evermore, hugging the large, classical Boulevards that extend first from the First Gate to the Castle, and then outwards, are of mostly Bretonish style, many of the poorer boroughs are entirely ethically Bjoulsae. For many years Evermore, itself an Elven and then Bretonish stronghold, has ruled over the wild, noble horse-people of that great river, and in time has brought a large multitude to live, hugging the high walls of its castle. The rugged Bjoulsae are particularly found among the eastern quarters of the City, along that shore of the River Ceylar, Evermore's tributary to the Bjoulsae, which escapes from Castle Evermore through a great waterfall, exploding into stately gardens as it reaches city-level.
Among the places of chief interest in the City of Evermore is the teetering tower of the Guild of Mages, from which Grand Magicans peer enviously at Castle Evermore, and from who's turrets clouds of strangely-coloured smoke are generally seen escaping. Also of interest is Evermore's cathedral, The Temple of Kynareth, and across the street, its rival, The Temple of Dibella, under construction since a royal decree from Syllawen's time as Queen Consort, and set to dwarf its older brother upon completion. Where the Grand Boulevard meets the High Road, the chief trade route, the crux of the caravans' route between East and West, there is an explosion of Guildhalls, and before them markets, were the middle classes mix with the lower. This part of the city is always alive, moving, and, in recent years, resplendent with coloured banners, and bustling with street-performances. Just as the markets bleed into the murkier South End, there is found a line of theatres, in Titus' reign this had been an area of disrepute, but Queen Syllawen, that great patron of the arts, had made of this area a second city Centre, and on it she even owned a stately, but modest town house. Across the street was the Guild of prosttutes.
Now, with the Festival of Peace days away, the wide boulevards were lined with stalls, great marquees, where each and every guild and corporation in all Syllawen's wide kingdom were set to display their bounty, to invite their visitors in to drink, to game and watch a show. Stages were everywhere, in every gap not vital to the traffic of the city, and built on every vertical surface, in unsafe temporary constructions. Tumblers, prosttutes, jesters and fools from all High Rock had found board or put up a tent to take part in the festivities. The Kingdom of Evermore itself was emptied into its city. On each street corner, the City Guard stood side by side with the Bjoulsae militia, warrior-folk Syllawen herself had brought in as extra security. While her own household of Knights commanded the security of the Castle, these river-people, fiercely loyal to Queen Syllawen, made up the bulk of the protection for the city itself, their proudest warriors forming a new guard inside Castle Evermore.
And where is Syllawen, the Direnni Queen, returned to the mountainous palace of her ancestors, now? She lays in her Tower, that ancient keep, in Castle Evermore, her city-within the city. The castle, once grey, now glimmers with a hundred different banners, of every colour and combination under Magnus. All the great heraldic lands of Highrock and the Iliac, represented there in banners large enough to wrap houses in, that flap like the beating wings so many dragons, in the cold wind. Within the Castle itself, Syllawen will soon host half the courts of High Rock. Behind those high walls, the grandest pavilions have been set, and the cosiest homes have been set aside as hosts for the most esteemed guests (much to the chagrin of their owners). Here, in the playing-fields set aside, tournies are to be held, and on grand stages, the choicest performances will take place. In the Great Hall itself, there will be dinners innumerable, and dances. In the last weeks past, the hosting Queen had barely spelt, and been too rarely sixed, such where her tireless efforts for her people, and this festival. But for now she was on her back, in her boundless, billowing bed, a castle in itself, and she was enjoying herself. She had guests, and at this moment we would do best to learn from her servants, and politely deign to leave the Queen of Evermore her privacy, just this once. Tomorrow, the first great Lords of High Rock would arrive, and from that day on, Syllawen would have to play the part of Queen. But for now she had other guests, and they had a whole selection of very different roles for the Queen to play at, the responsibilities of, we shall leave to those involved. But anyway, the whole of Evermore knowing the precise details of what Queen Syllawen gets up to is quite enough, isn't it?