I agree with this. It'll make everything run smoother, and mean that I won't have to create characters for the King/Queen of Northpoint, since they can just have sent Elissa as a representative. Even though it means scrapping the post I already have written.
Also, does anyone mind if I try out a couple posts in first-person, present-tense instead of the traditional third-person, past-tense style? Maybe it's just my recent obsession with the Hunger Games series, but I'm feeling like that style will work better for this.
I think you should. I've also taken a liking to George R.R. Martin's style of 3rd person limited. It makes the story so much better and adds an edge of suspense.
Meanwhile, a work in process, but I thought you guys might like this. http://i41.tinypic.com/121ps78.png, this time Syllawen Direnni is taking a stroll around her Kingdom.
Very nice!

Okay, that works fine by me. Everyone's first post can involve them receiving the invitation.
One last thing, when does the RP start??? As in, what time of year?! We need something to celebrate, after all..
Hmm, how does Turdas, the 15th of Second Seed in the 28th year of the 4th era sound?
Is 1,400 words too large for an opening post? xD