I'll try to read your sheet real quick man and approve it. I have to write a 14 page paper on Dr. King's "Letter From Birmingham Jail" and another paper on F.D.R.'s "Second New Deal" and and both are due tomorrow.
This week has been hell for me. Hopefully after next week (I have to organize an event for Beta Club, find a way to make $4000 for FCA by the 14th, take a test in Pre-Calc, US History, and English [All Honors classes], compete in two track meets and practice for 3 hours a day, and make final drafts of both of those papers) things should lighten up and I can start posting regularly again. I didn't think that things would get this hectic, but life has a way of screwing you over at times.

Sorry for not being as active as I should for a GM.