Name: Kelmena Thagor
Title: Her Majesty the Queen of Daggerfall
Age: 22
Race: Breton (Camlornese-Anticlerian)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Kelmena has always been said to take more after her southerner mother, and quite rightly so. At five feet seven, she is not extraordinarily tall, of a slightly tanner complexion than most Breton aristocrats tend to be – much like is common for Anticlerians. She carries herself with the dignity of expected of a lady and the queen of one of the greatest powers in Daggerfall, and even those in her husband’s court who are loathe to have a queen from the ‘barbarian’ distant north cannot fault her there.
It is fortunate for western High Rock that Kelmena is among the more attractive noblewomen in the west; otherwise, King Camaron may have simply refused her father’s proposal of marriage and doomed High Rock’s west to a potential war. With thin, slightly arched eyebrows that sit above her expressive light green eyes, a small, slightly snub nose and thin lips, the Queen of Daggerfall is almost the very image of a Bretic noblewoman, further aided in creating such an appearance by the curly dark brown hair that frames her face.
Skills: Kelmena was not raised to be neither a warrior nor some free-spirited marvel; she was to be a noblewoman, to act as is appropriate for her station and to carry herself with dignity no matter what situation she was in. That is mostly what she can claim to do best, along with having something of a thirst for knowledge; she can speak not only her native Bretic and Cyrodiilic, but also ancient Yoku, old Bretic and Aldmeris, being familiar with many famous texts and poems and having a reputation as the patron of musicians in particular.
Equipment: Kelmena’s wardrobe is suitably grand and varied for the Queen of Daggerfall; though Camaron can often be an inattentive husband, when his (actually genuine, despite what some might say) love for her takes hold, no gift is too lavish and no expense too great to assure that his wife does not feel embarrassed in the company of even the richest women of Tamriel. Her own tastes tend to steer towards the famed Nibenese silks, and she is particularly well known for possessing a dress of true moth soul-silk, its exquisite material seemingly alive in how its colours shift and change with even the smallest of the queen’s movements, settling to a sky-blue when undisturbed.
Background: The oldest of the daughters of Archduke Senhyn of Camlorn, Kelmena was always destined to be a bargaining chip in the grand game of High Rock’s thrones; a fate that infuriated her at youth but which she has since grown to accept. What she did not expect, however, was that she would be married off to Daggerfall, sealing a vital alliance between that land and her father’s domains and becoming the kingdom’s new queen. She has since settled into this life, giving birth to twin boys for her husband – Willem and Telwen, who are now of aged two – and apparently managing to adapt to the unpredictable pace of the infamous Camaron of Daggerfall. On the outside, it seems that the young queen has since come to terms with her husband’s infidelity and approached the responsibilities of her new rank with an energy characteristic of her, but what she truly feels no one can tell.