Everyone in this RP is too nice. Also, everyone is really good at writing. Like, seriously. If I'm writing any better than usual its because of you guys, every single one of you without exception has written something really good so far. Like...wow.
I know I can't match a lot of you guys for knowledge of feudalism, creation of great fluff, or even matters of plain, beautiful flowing prose. But god-dammit I'm going to make Evermore the most vividly realised Kingdom in High Rock, and the one everyone would want to visit the most.
Raurich sounds like he could have some anti-fun with Bridwell while Camaron... 'chats up' the Queen of Evermore, hooooo 
Oh god, this! I already had something planned for them actually. Just one tender moment, they catch each-other's eyes as their sovereigns are starting to be..themselves, and in a single look countless years of ordeal are communicated. They'd be friends without even saying a word.

I'm sure we could think of something more though. Part of the idea behind my last post was to show how the relationship between Syllawen and Raurich functioned, and how it was different from Camaron and Bridwell's. Not sure how much of that came off.
I genuinely don't know whether Deric will go to this party ...
someone would be sent from the Court of Northpoint. The idea of the Festival of Peace, is that it was set up after the events of Daggerfall (by the Septim Empire) to bring all the remaining kingdoms of High Rock together, and keep them from, um, going to war again. Which obviously has failed already, but it is still a pretty major event on the calender. I think Northpoint and Evermore were traditional rivals, but they both took part in the defeat of Shornhelm more recently.