» Fri May 04, 2012 7:22 am
Hector Salford, Baron of the Illessan Hills- Hector is a known noble that prefers normal soldiering to knightly orders, he is a family man but can be utterly ruthless, a hot and cold mixture.
Julius Scipion, Count of Alsace, Lord Knight of the Noble Order of the Griffin, Master of the Order of Sentinels, Chief Librarian of the Alsace University and Archives, Templar of the Knights Mentor, Honorary Priest of Julianos, Knight of the Order of the Lamp- Most of Julius’ title’s suggest that he is a patron of Julianos, before the fall of the empire he held the rank of Wizard in the mages guild, afterwards with the fall of many things Julius reformed his local branch into the Alsace university and archives, Julius is and adamant believer in teaching and his personality runs alongside that philosophy.
Napoleon Jadieran, Captain of the Order of the Griffin, vice chamberlain- Napoleon Is A knight first and foremost but is expected to have other skills due to his To-be inherited title of chamberlain.
Gonna assume Its something like that that we are meant to have.
EDIT: Asap if you also want a description of county alsace And the Ilessan hills I can do that.