Not that surprising Daggerfall was the most populated, just proof how Daggerfallians like to get their six on (you just know half of that population is royal bastards). And while Wayrest may have overpopulation issues, I'd imagine they'd stem chiefly from the fact it's hemmed between the mountains and the sea, as opposed to Daggerfall being surrounded by plains and thus in a position to have a larger population without having problems for it. The population rift can't have been that large though, I always put Wayrest at somewhere just under 100000 people, so as far as I'm concerned we could say there was a population boom of sorts and now Wayrest is the slightly larger of the two. In fact I wouldn't have said anything if Asap hadn't made the foolish and decadent mistake of just saying Wayrest was more populated, awakening in me the urge to show off supply useful information by bringing up that quite recently, the reverse was the case.I think we can just keep it as the war that no one wants to talk about because it was a huge failure and embarrasing for all involved, and should not be spoken of in civilized company
Though maybe leave Sentinel out of it, since we're not dealing with it at all and it can just calmly stay in its lore accurate state. Hahaha, okay. But s
omeone must have taken the Orc's huge Hammerfellian holdings. Actually, this brings up another question, what do you suppose the total manpower of the Orcs is? Atm they control a fairly small area (though larger than pre-warp), but you'd imagine the ruler of Orisinium would be able to muster Orismer from throughout Tamriel in a kind of Malakinian Crusade, if it ever came to war. I have no idea how the Orcs even work tbh. In the past defeating them has normally taken a huge alliance of states, and they seem as populous as any other race in Tamriel.
About population, being hemmed in by mountains and sea wouldn't be a problem for Wayrest, just as it wasn't a problem for Venice (who I think are their nearest anologue). A rich trading port, that sits on the main artery of northwest Tamriel (The Bjoulsae River), and the point between Hammerfell and High Rock, could survive entirely on imports from its large trade empire. Land doesn't become an issue until the boundaries of the cities reach the mountains -more of a 20th century problem with Megacities than one for the middle ages. Looking at Wayrest's place in its own county, it has as much space to expand as Daggerfall (also, some maps give islands in the Bjoulsae delta, of which I am
so saying there holds more city islands, Venetian style

). Weirdly, while every other captial has a medieval castle for its seat of power, Wayrest has a Palladian style Renaissance Mansion-Palace. The idea of it having the largest force was due to the larger, richer middle class, meaning more people actually able to afford arms than in Daggerfall. While Wayrest does not have the noblest tradition of warfare, or the fiercest knights, it is still probably the best equipped.
...Increasingly I find myself writing a fluff history of Wayrest. Despite having no stake in the Kingdom at all. Oops.