After letting it take a rather long nap on the back pages of the forum, it's being revived for your literary pleasure! Of Princes and Power is a massive political/war RP set in High Rock after the fall of the Septim Empire. Grand battles, masked balls, politics, assassinations, you name, it's all happening in this RP. We're always accepting new character sheets so feel free to jump in at any time! This go around Vincent McCool, and myself will be serving as the GM's. If you have any questions we can answer them.
http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1343716-of-princes-and-power-chapter-i-a-game-of-pawns/ with an extremely detailed OP to let you know what's going on and how you can join in. Hoping to see a lot of the old dogs jump back in this as well as some fresh new faces!
http://theshatteredempireseries.wikia.com/wiki/The_Shattered_Empire_Series_Wiki of the Shattered Empire Series (The parent of OPaP). Any info about the RP, the factions, or the characters can be found there.
- We are not starting all over, but just continuing from where we left off in Chapter 1.
- The Event Summary is finished! Somewhat at least. A full summary will be added to the next IC OP, but for now I direct you to http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1343716-of-princes-and-power-chapter-i-a-game-of-pawns/page__view__findpost__p__22481821 (Thanks go to Vincent for the awesome write up)
- Posting is open to everyone with APPROVED character sheets. Please wait for one of the GM's (Vincent McCool and aSaPp!5@) to approve you sheet before posting.