Name: Jo'zadkrin
Race: Khajiit; Dagi-Raht
Gender: Male
Title: Explorer, Apprentice Mage
Age: Nineteen and three quarters; his birthday is on Last Seed 6th
Appearance: About five and a half feet tall, very scrawny, has thin, dark fur, shoulderblade-length hair tied back into a ponytail. One gold ring in his left ear, and claws. Try picturing this as a small, scrawny Khajiit from the games.
Skills: Adept at spells that bend the laws of reality and physics, good with a lightweight lance in one hand, very stealthy due to size and fur colour, very, very good at climbing, knows a scam when he sees one.
Equipment: Has a four-foot long spear with a wooden shaft and an iron tip, a small bag carrying a few days' rations, a cheap map of High Rock naming only the major cities, 17 septims. He carries some very small leather armor, but only wears it when delving into dungeons, some parchment, ink and a quill for mapping old ruins and caves, and a journal detailing his travel from Elsweyr to High Rock. He normally wears a pair of linens torn at the knees, some worn sandals and a very small vest that covers half his back. He also has a cloak in his pack, for the colder climates of High Rock.
Backstory: He is a Khajiit who grew up in Torval, in between Valenwood and the Tenmar Forest. His father ran off from the family when he was only a cub, and his two older siblings, a Cathay and an Alfiq-Raht, were his only true family, as his mother, Suthay, was addicted to Skooma, and would put her addiction to it above her family needs more often than not. Jo'zadkrin had some friends as well, especially a Dagi lass. His childhood was mostly playing with this girl climbing trees. Eventually, Jo'zadkrin took a liking to her, and when he confessed his inner love when he turned sixteen, she ran off in fear, a bit nervous of commitment so early in life. Anyway, this crushed Jo'zadkrin, and so he took some odd jobs, earning septims and eventually earned enough to buy a crude spear and some magic lessons. Of course, his mother disapproved of this behaviour, thinking that all earnings should be spent to sate her thirst for Skooma. Three years and four days after his sixteenth birthday, Jo'zadkrin finally could not live under his mother's oppresive, drug-crazed care. He said his farewells to his siblings, telling them not to tell their mother about his absence, and departed. He eventually bought a map of High Rock from a merchant in Orcrest, convinced of her words that great wealth was to be found in High Rock. So for nearly a year, Jo'zadkrin has been walking to High Rock, approaching it via walking through Cyrodiil and into the grand mountain range nearby Chorrol. He has finally arrived near the Iliac Bay in 4E 28....
Character Personality: Jo'zadkrin is actually pretty happy, despite his childhood. He hopes to find great wealth and more arcane knowledge in High Rock. He doesn't have a short temper, but can turn sour pretty quick when someone asks about his childhood. Being fairly small, Jo'zadkrin prefers staying away from direct confrontation, instead climbing trees and zapping his foes with some destructive magic he picked up from a quick lesson in Skingrad, or throwing his lance. Jo'zadkrin knows next to nothing about High Rock, especially it's politics, but he'll follow anyone who will pay the most coin. He also sub-conciously yearns for a close friend....
Yeah, this is pretty long. If there are any spelling errors, I'm sorry, as I'm typing this on an iPod. I hope to learn more about High Rock and it's lore through these threads, and also more about this RP thing going on here. I'm thinking of this character exploring the various cave systems and ruins in this RP, as the politics confuse both him and me.

I hope I can join though.