Hope it was enjoyable to read.
D'aaaaaawwwww, thanks. I don't think it was my best stuff, considering I wrote it while I was nearly asleep, but I'm glad you guys liked it. I'm not sure what inspired Ernard, his absence of tea, and the kingdom of Hamlorn, but I thought that a commentator for the events of the RP would be much appreciated.
Hence the name Ascended Sleeper. Oh-ho, I'm so clever. And I didn't know that there was a party in Evermore, and I ignorantly placed my character safe within his keep. I think I've found a boon to my mistake, though, and will have just sent my son, the heir to the County of Wrothmark, to the party. I've made him to be quite the evil character and he will be rather interesting to interact with, I think.
I do not have a sheet specifically for Xavier, no. He was listed in my Count's CS under "Other Notable People" or something like that. If you really need one I am more than willing to write a summary (I don't think it's neccesary to have a CS for all of the children/advisors/extras that are part of the Wrothmark Court)
Erm, well, Just scrolling through the OP and spotted that, I'll just leave that there for the moment.
In the meantime, I wouldn't mind interacting with your character Elite Birthday, but I'm waiting for Athell to post.
So perhaps we could have Count Scipion meet your Lord after I've finished my scene with Athell?
or a step further, Perhaps a meeting of equals, Count Scipion to Count Loup? you know after the festival a scheduled visit from Count Julius to check on Loup's health, Julius is a master healer and generally perhaps the two could regale old times?
Sounds good! Loup will hold a feast in honor of your visit.
Oops. I have no idea why that got put there. I'll change it.
Sorry about that.
That sounds excellent, I look forward to it with pleasure.
It's no problem, was reading through the OP and decided I'd just point it out.
No need to apologise, mistakes happen.
No need, I can just ask you if I need some information. I just thought there could be one that I wasn't finding.
I'll catch up on all the posts and have one up this weekend. I did manage to write something on the fluff for Gwened During classes in marges of my notes (friends keep asking me dafuc I'm writing there, hehe... they don't get it..)
My last post is a little short, I'm afraid, but most of the recent ones seem to be, and I couldn't think of much more to do given the conversational context. I feel a little bad for neglecting poor Irienya, but it would appear she and her husband will both soon be engaged, so I'm not keen to get her seriously involved in anything.
Also, I'm working (gradually) on a nice write up for Markwasten lore, so that's something. In the mean time, http://theshatteredempireseries.wikia.com/wiki/Dunistair_Berarde and http://theshatteredempireseries.wikia.com/wiki/Irienya_Berarde both have their own pretty wiki pages now, with info boxes and everything (thanks Smig, I copied it from Alvin's page). I was going to get pictures of them, but I couldn't make their faces right in Skyrim, so I may have to draw them instead. In a similar vein, I want to make a coat of arms for the Berardes, but I don't really know where to start.
Didn't interfere with anything that I know of. Seemed pretty good to me! The bandits were a bit cliche and the dialogue got a little awkward in the middle, but everything else was great! Really liked that bit at the end there with the oath.
The dialogue seemed too quick and a little hit and miss as far as sounding legitimate goes. It changed pace from "watch yourself outlander, your kind have it tough here" to "Surviving in High Rock 101: A lecture from Sir Guard/Bouncer Guy" to "Hey, I have a job for you! Let me slice my arm open for you stranger!"
That was a bit of a blunt way to put it, but that's how I read it. Try to stick with the tone you started with for Daris. He's wary of the newcomer, and doesn't know him. I felt as though if he would have stuck with a "watch yourself, but if you really want to get somewhere, I might help you. If you prove useful," tone. Rather than changing it up so much.
Not trying to sound harsh, just give some constructive criticism.
You didn't have to go back and change it
But much better I'd say. Flows nicely now.
Hey, is anything going on with Jehenna/Jehanna and Farrun in the Shattered Empire series (and specifically oPaP)? All I could find was the mention in the OP and this from the wiki:
It's kind of a shame for two whole lovely kingdoms to be so absent, especially considering they have so much potential, with their tense situation and surprisingly un-Bretonish friendship (more Nordic one might even say), which sounds like it's the closest one of the kingdom pairings. I guess given their border problems they could be too busy to worry about internal politics?
I guess they are fending off in invasions if the Nords have not conquered them yet.
Well Jehenna ,or Jehanna whatever is your preference, was conquered by the nords in the war of the Bend'r-mahk.
So I'd assume that Farrun is probably part of Skyrim now, or so Nordic it considers itself not part of High Rock, but that the nords don't consider it part of Skyrim so it is generally rejected by both and so is sort of like Switzerland, just generally sat there.
What I can find of them in established lore seems to suggest Jehanna (maybe Farrun too) have passed between High Rock and Skyrim several times (a Nord-sounding king ruled it at the end of the First Era, then later it was a High Rock kingdom, then as you say, the War of Bend'r-mahk, then apparently "Some of these territories [gained in the war of Bend'r-mahk] were claimed to have been lost in previous wars at the expense of Skyrim" and apparently, in the early 4th Era in the standard timeline, it is back in High Rock (or not considered part of Skyrim proper at least).