I know that "public", or "downloaded", Mods for F4 will have to be approved by M$/$ony before console players can use them.
However, does anybody have any clue as to if a player will be allowed to write a mod For Themselves Only and use it on their Own Console without having to go through the whole "approval proccess"?
There are some things, like settlement attacks/building, that I would like to fix just for my own gaming happiness.
But, I really do not want to be forced to have it approved by d-bags at M$/$ony just to use it on my own system in my own home...and, I really do not care to share with the general public either because "they" are generally whiney, unappreciatve, demanding, d-bags as well....just look at some of the complaints about the game here in the forums to see what I am talking about.