Hey all, first post.
So, the game has stopped letting me send folks to Starlight. I had 18 people living there, then I sent one to Sanctuary and one to Sunshine Tidings.
I recently unlocked artillery, built a couple cannons at Starlight, and went to send the two settlers back to man the guns. The bloody place is greyed out on the list of settlements when I try to move them! I have more than enough food, water and beds for them, and like I said, the town supported 18 before.
The only change in the town in between sending the two settlers away and trying to send them back was establishing supply lines to Sanctuary and The Castle, and building two cannons. Could either of these be causing an issue?
Here are the town's stats:
-Population 16
-Emporium level junk, clothing, weapon and armor shops
-21 food
-40 water
-14 power
-86 defense (I like my HMG turrets)
-22 beds
-Radio beacon
My character is level 41, CHA 6. So what gives?? Any ideas? Or have I been Bugthesda'd?