Problem At Restoring Damaged Personality

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:07 pm

Hi All

Yesterday i attacked a conjurer dungeon (Fort Roeback) and after cleaning it i realised that my luck and personality attributes were damaged because of the fights in there. As my fame is higher than my infamy, i visited a chapel and prayed at the altar of the nine to restore these damaged attributes. After the pray i checked my attributes and saw that my luck was restored but personality remained damaged. After this, i bought a strong potion of charisma, drank but it didn't fix the personality either. I want to learn if an attribute can be damaged permenantly (if yes, i want to keep the damage) or is it just a glitch that i should fix with "modpca personality value" cheat. The decrease at personality is not negative effect of a thing that i wear. It remains when my character is totally naked too.

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Honey Suckle
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:21 pm

There are only a few things that have a permanent affect on attributes (ie: the scales, the Nightmother blessing, etc). Otherwise, all attributes may be restored via restoration spells or altars. the other possiblility is a change made to the base game in a mod. Since you are on a PC, I say use the console to make the adjustment or load a previous save.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:08 am

I found it.... It is the effect of "Scales Of Pitiless Justice". I guess i received it as a reward after completeing a Dark Brotherhood quest. It increases strength, agilty and intelligence by 2 but decreases personality by 2. So there was nothing wrong in my game but i didn't think that anything except for a weapon, cloth or ring could effect my attributes permenantly :unsure:
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Milad Hajipour
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