I want to change the abilties of races on an existing character.
My problem comes when I have a save of a Character that has been using BTB - Character, which is just like Wakim's Game Improvement modified. The character already has the abilties and birthsign abilities, no matter how much I change it, it doesn't change in game.
Every NPC has the right AttackBonus I set for example. I created the plug-in first by using BTB - Character.esp as a dependancy and just adding to the race records, and then I merged all of the BTB - Character's changes in and modified the race records.
With the merged version, no luck either.
Is it possible to update an existing characters race and birthsign abilities without starting from scartch? I don't remember if BTB - Character did that for me, I think I started the game with it for this one. Is there some way to force it to update?