Problem with activating Immersive Armours Mod

Post » Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:55 am

before i start i guess that i will have grammar mistakes so ignore it please.

I downloaded this mod V 7_1 via NMM and tried to install it.

When i double clicked it appeared a window that say "Preparing Mod".When its done i have got a window that tell me to prees finish(by the way there is an option to mark V on UNP or something i dont know,but even if i mark V and even if im not i still get the same messege when i press finish)

And its doesn't matter if i Marking V or not marking it,when i press finish the window is close and i get a window that say "The mod was not activating"

What i need to do?

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Suzie Dalziel
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