Yesterday, my brother was playing STALKER and the computer crashed. Now, this had happened before and it worked perfectly fine after I restarted it. However, this time, I am having issues. One of them is that it takes forever for the computer to boot. It literally took an hour to get to the login screen. This is obviously not normal, but that's one thing that happens when it starts up. The other thing that sometimes happens is that Windows is trying to load files, and it always hangs. I left the computer running for at least twenty minutes and it did not do anything. Unless I'm mistaken, it always freezes at "Loaded: \Windows\system32\drivers\crcdisk.sys". I'm not the best with computers, but I'm thinking that something got corrupted. I don't want to reinstall Windows though unless it is the only option. Any ideas on what is going on?
Thanks in advance.