Problem with encumbrance and Weapon Sheaths Ultimate

Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:39 pm

Having a bit of a problem with this mod and my characters encumbrance. When switching weapons sometimes, I suddenly have 0 weight on my character when I should have ~ 200 or so. I've looked at the scripts on the sheaths in the CS and there are removeitem calls on all of the shirt item sheaths for whenever the item is unequipped or dropped outright. Fine, but it was removing them nearly 9000 times, so I had -8800 encumbrance or so. No joke, I checked the save game in the Enchanted Editor and that's what it said my current encumbrance was. So... anyone know what is going wrong with this mod when switching weapons and why the removal script is getting messed up so badly?

I can kinda fix the issue by dropping the weapon and then editing my characters encumbrance in the EE to be around what it should be but that isn't going to be totally accurate and if its just going to happen again at some point down the line the constant checking and rechecking of my current weight and wondering when the scripts are going to go crazy again is going get old real quick and this mod is going to have to go. I've already tried modifying the weight of some of the the sheaths in the CS to be 0 and that had no effect at all, the encumbrance still dropped to negative values.

Oh and one other removeitem -related question, is there anyway to not have the NPCs edited by the Peasant Gowns replacer esp be merged together? What is happening is that TESTool is merging the various NPC-editing esp files just fine, but this leaves the NPCs in question with both their default clothing of a common or expensive shirt or whatever and the new gowns as well, leading to unsightly mash ups of both clothing sets equipped at the same time. I can fix this as well by editing each NPC as I come across them in the game and removing the offending shirt but that is very tedious to do. So any way to fix this or failing that, any way to automate the getitemcount and removeitem process in the console?
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:40 am

No ideas at all, eh? Hmm, guess I'll just remove the mod then as the bug is more than a little annoying.
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:57 pm

It's not a bug, it's a conflict. By itself Weapon Sheaths does not behave like this. I've used Weapon Sheaths in every game I've played since it was released and I have never experienced the problem you describe. Some other mod in your mod list is interacting with Weapon Sheaths. If you post your mod here list one of us may be able to spot the culprit.
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