Can you be more precis for the trick with the number and radius? thanks

It doesn't sound like it will be helpful here, but... The default naming system for some "light" objects, when the object itself is the same, is to add to the end of the ID, the light radius. You can see and change the light radius in the entry for the item, right underneath the ID box. When the item appears to be snuffed out, the entry name ends in "_off", and the raidus is set to 0. (Usually, there is also no color associated with the light, either, and the flicker is turned off.) Otherwise, the last number in the ID is usually the same as the radius number. Giving the radius a higher number makes the light brighter - a radius of 128 is brighter than a radius of 77 - but, unfortunatly, doesn't change the apperance of the flame at all. You can set one of the lamps with a mesh with no flame to give off light, using raidus, color, flicker, etc, or you can make a lantern with the mesh that has a flame give off no light at all by turning all that off/setting the values to 0.
Sorry for the late response. As I said, though, that's obviously not the problem here.