Problem with F3 GOTY

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:30 pm

Hey all. Im having a problem with the Fallout 3 Game of the year edition.
I bought it over steam with their sommer discount, but i cant make it work ? :-/

I started the game and it started to load my previous game loads and i started with the last mission in the Purifier Rotunda.
I choose to let Colonel Autumn live and he ran off. Then i went in the radiated room and typed the code 2-1-6.
Then i died as expected and saw the endgame movie... But then the scrolling text poped up?

- Shouldn't the broken steel DLC start there ?

I dont know how to check, if the other DLC's is functionel, but i guess Broken steel isn't?

Anyone had the same problems?
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:13 pm

you need to make sure the DLC are checkmarked in the launcher try the "Data files" for the default or use FOMM ->
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:22 pm

If Broken Steel is working then the level cap is 30 (you will have got a message about this in game), and you will wake up after the credits run. OA and TP both have radio signals associated with them, can't remember if the others do as well. OA, TP, PL, and MZ all add new locations from which the add-on is started.
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Jeff Tingler
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