I have a problem in my game - not sure if it's due to mods or if it's something which happens in vanilla.
I have moved into Severin Manor for one of my characters - he's completed most of Dragonborn's quests now, and has done pretty much everything major in the game, but still adventures about and finds new things to do. his main house used to be Breezehome, but now it's Severin Manor. I have a mod which changes the interior of the manor, but nothing which modifies Raven Rock at all. My problem is the first time I wandered into Raven Rock, for some reason I decided to harvest the Scarethraw plant just outside Severin Manor, and now it won't come back. The main decorative plant outside my house... and I plucked it and it's gone. If I leave the cell for 10 days, the scarethraw will respawn, but the next time I leave the cell and reenter it remains in its plucked state. Is this a vanilla bug or does it come from one of my mods? The only plant-related mods I have are one which lets me plant Nirnroot, and a greenhouse for my Lakeview Manor.
Same problem with another of my characters, who has this beautiful house in Lakeview. I installed Shezrie's greenhouse in the back, and it all looked so beautiful. Then for some reason when harvesting my plants I decided to harvest the Hanging moss which dotted the walls in the greenhouse. Now the Hanging Moss, which looked wonderful, has the same problem. If I wait 10 days and come back I see the moss hanging in all its glory, but if I leave the cell and reenter it's all gone back to the plucked state.
If this is a vanilla problem, is there any console command to make a plant respawn as harvestable? Disable and enable brings back a plucked plant, recycleactor, and "resetai" (a long shot, I know) doesn't do anything. With the Lakeview character I could probably disable the mod, save, and reenable the mod, but for the Severin manor plant it'd be horrible if I had to load a save previous just to get a nice-looking plant... Thanks for any help!