I'm working with a vanilla cell by cleaning it up after in-game events left it destroyed. They way they handle the ruined state is with enabling and disabling xmarkers. So what I've done is disabled the ruined state xmarker through a script. What this does is leave the foundations of the cell in place, such as the walls, floors, ceilings and such, but disables the corpses, debris, and fallen rocks. The problem I'm having though, is that entire parts of the cell are invisible after this is disabled, but it's still physically there, because I can walk on it. Enabling the xmarker again brings it all back, but I'm not understanding why this is happening. It's all there, but you just can't see it, and what you end up seeing is the void of the cell. I tried combatting this by placing rocks and such in front of the missing parts, but they just go invisible too. It's worth noting that once you start walking on the invisible area, it appears, but the parts that were previously visible, disappear instead, and vice versa once you go back to the originally visible part. If anyone needs to know what cell I'm talking about, it's DarkBrotherhoodSanctuary. Fair warning about this cell. It's hugely complicated and if left open for a while, will take up massive amounts of RAM.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?