» Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:44 pm
From the Wiki:
Players can force the marriage dialog option to appear on NPCs by opening the console, targeting the desired NPC, and typing the command "addfac 19809 1". This could possibly cause issues with NPCs who were not originally intended to have this option.
Also, you need to type the command "setrelationshiprank player 4" after adding the marriage faction. This works on those NPCs you tried the addfac code by itself and didn't work.
I believe you can add Lydia to the marriage faction (first command listed) and she will marry you if you are Thane of Whiterun.
Grelka is already in the faction, but her relationship never improves because her quest won't start. Try the second command.
Note I haven't tried these myself as I am patiently waiting for the first patch and hoping that it fixes these kinds of problems.