Problem with owned houses in Hearthfire

Post » Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:00 am

Well, I have 2 houses (one is Breezehome from Whiterun and the other is Lakeview Manor) and I always used to have my family (Spouse and 2 daughters) in Breezehome, but I recently started building Lakeview Manor as it would be a better house than the other. The problem is that when i go to my daughters and try to tell them to go to Lakeview Manor it doesn't appear any option for that. And I tried to load a previous save and that things but I just can't tell them to go there. When I talk to my spouse, it appears an option, but she just stays in Breezehome. I have 2 child beds and 2 child chests and other beds in the house but it still doesn't happen anything. I have a steward btw. But then I look at General Stats and says I only own one house, what do I need to do?? I have Unofficial Skyrim Patch installed as well as Unofficial Dawnguard Patch and Unofficial Hearthfire Patch and I have them in good load order, I use Wrye Bash, BOSS and Tes5Edit for to clean dirty edits. Did I do something bad??

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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:32 pm

Mod issue perhaps?
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Post » Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:25 am

Mod issue? What you mean? All my mods are cleaned and my game works fine...

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BrEezy Baby
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