» Tue May 08, 2012 11:27 am
Getting rid of the Portable Campsite (IF that is the culprit, but I assume you already successfully tried to drop other stuff out of your inventory?) shouldn′t be a problem. When you load your game next time, there′s the warning message that some of the content of the save isn′t there anymore (something like that) which you can just ignore in such cases.
The other question is WHAT you are replacing it with. Usually this shouldn′t be an issue neither, because most mods like this just add the stuff either directly in your inventory after loading your game, or (more common) they place it in some merchants′ inventory (hopefully in a non-disturbing way, depending on how its modded...).
I believe all you have to do after installing & activating your new mod is going inside somewhere (not inside a traders′ in this case) and wait till merchants′inventories reset (with Enhanced Economy you can skip that as well and can upgrade the trader directly via hotkey). It can be a difference if the mod in question modifies leveled lists (so that you can′t only buy the camping stuff at some selected traders, but that it′s being dropped by enemy NPCs or found in chests, for example). With your somewhat small load list that again is (most likely, unless it′s badly modded) no problem, but I′m not quite sure because of BBC. Are you using WryeBash?
You see, I′m not totally sure, because once I′ve set up my playlist (which usually takes a few hundred hours - I know, im sick...), its thoroughly playtested, so I almost never change anything anymore once I′ve started playing, maybe apart from critical updates. So again, there are others who can answer your question better.
Meanwhile, if you′re in a hurry, you can just backup your current save, swap files, check load order and simply try it out. As said, as long as leveled lists or merchants′ inventories aren′t touched directly (most modders luckily don′t do the latter anyway), it′s no problem, and otherwise it′s hardly a problem neither in this case. If you use WryeBash (good idea even with only OOO+BBC), then someone else is asked. Almost sure though that in your case you then just have to rebuild your Bashed patch again, load your save, ignore the message and that′s it.