I did "Keep Your Eye On The Prize" & then spoke to Boxcars in Nipton General Store. The Dialogue options allowed me to acivate "Booted". When I reached Camp Searchlight" & entered the West Chapel Basemant (after some significant game play) I spoke to "Logan" and Activated "Wheel of Fortune" - hacking the computer brings up the reference to Nipton - "Go to Nipton & speak with someone about supplies" (approx rendering). That's the problem on returning to Nipton & speaking with Boxcars again - there is not dialogue chioce except to leave the conversation. I have tried in the 1st conversation & the options re the secret cave don't come up. The result is the quest is stuck. If I go the the Supply Cave the package of rad suits is not there. Even if I have rads suits when I return to Logan the Dialogue chioce is stuck on "I Know where the suits are". All rather frustrating!